Kim Wickard is the host of “Ungaren.”

Kim Wickard is the host of “Ungaren.”

One of the big talking points of the television year was the moving NRK series “Dementia Choir”. We found a host in the head Ingrid Gjessing Linhave (45) and conductor Kim Wickard (35).

This autumn, the latter will be able to get a taste of Discovery’s new major investment – “Bachelor Norway”.

– I know this deep in my heart

Although Wickard is looking forward to taking on the role of presenter, he is clear on one thing – let nothing get in the way of the “dementia singer”.

– A fairy tale

– This year has been an adventure. It was busy, but I had a lot of fun. I never thought I would be so lucky. Imagine if the “Dementia Singer” not only touched so many people, but I would now be allowed to lead “Ungaren Norge”? Marius (wife-to-be, journ.anm.) and I were sitting in Thailand when we got a push notification on the phone saying “The Bachelor Norway is back”.

He says it was a surprise to him, but the surprise could turn out to be huge.

Engagement: Kim Wickard and Marius Hagen got engaged last year.  Photo: Tor Lindseth / Se og Hør

Engagement: Kim Wickard and Marius Hagen got engaged last year. Photo: Tor Lindseth / Se og Hør
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– I was so excited and happy that a Norwegian version would finally be made again, and then Marius says “I can’t tell you anything, but I’m going to work on the program”. “He’s loyal to his work, but I felt a little annoyed that he didn’t tell me anything,” Wickard says with a laugh.

– Even if it goes to someone else

And Wickard adds that she’s thrilled the show is finally back, and didn’t know how to react when Discovery called and asked if she’d like to audition for the movie in the role of host.

“The Dementia Singer”: Jan Rüner Eliasen moved the whole hall with this interpretation. Video: NRK
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– I was asked to come to the audition and I saw the others who were with me. Right then I realized that I was not going to get the job as these were professional and stable providers with lots of experience from similar jobs.

The 35-year-old says she took it all in stride, was honored by the question and saw it all as good training.

– I had a positive attitude and was properly prepared for the fact that the dream job was going to go to someone else, but I had a rich experience. Finally got a call saying I got it! I don’t know what to do next – I haven’t been so excited since “The Dementia Choir”.

Confused journalists

Confused journalists

– How did the future wife behave?

– He was at home when I got the phone call and immediately understood what it was. He started crying and I was incredibly happy. He knew how much this meant to me.

It means you have to work together. how did it go

Ingrid Gjessing Linhave burst into tears on stage with Jan Rüner Eliasen from the Dementia Choir. Video: TV2.
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– This is the first time we have worked together for a long time, but it went well. We never saw each other! We only took one day off together…I think we had two massages. We both worked really hard, but we were definitely together. Marius was strong for me in that system. And then there’s something completely unique about knowing that we’re allowed to participate in this — together.

Full of contradictions

Wickard is the first to admit that the roles he’s played this year have been filled with serious contradictions. From “Dementia Singer” host, drag queen in “Drax” and now host in “Ungaren”.

– It was full of contradictions, but I did what I wanted and who I am. You have a lot of strengths to play with – and I feel like I’ve demonstrated that this year. You’re not alone. Fortunately, you have many qualities and characteristics that do not need to come at the expense of others. “The Bachelor” is something completely different from “Dementia Chorus,” but I’m really looking forward to seeing it hit the screens.

There aren’t that many differences

Although the actors in the productions are somewhat different, Wickard can say that there are not as many differences as one might first think.

- Although not a piece

– Although not a piece

– People are human, regardless … they need to be heard, they need warmth, they need comfort when they are sad.

– And those who broke their hearts?

– It was very difficult. You want to comfort them, and I have. But when they were away, I couldn’t contact them and ask how things were going, and sometimes it was difficult. You never stop worrying about someone cheating.

“The Dementia Singer” won the prestigious audience award during Gulrudan 2023, but will there be a new season? asked Red Runner. Video: Red Runner
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– This is not a drama here, I feel very sorry for them. Rejection is very difficult for everyone – and for the girls out there… I bow down in the dirt. They dare to open their hearts knowing that they can break hearts.

He takes a small sip of coffee, thinks for a while, and concludes:

– but then again, that’s love in many ways. If you want to find true love, you have to be brave enough to open up. One must be willing to be hurt. And not least – you have to put your phone away! Distraction is a part of everyday life and it prevents people from getting to know each other deeply. It goes beyond the relationships you form with others. Even if it’s scary, you have to take a chance. It’s always worth it.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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