Kristin Ager Hansen, Bitcoin | Christine Agger Hansen was Norway's richest person: she was sentenced to ten months in prison

Kristin Ager Hansen, Bitcoin |  Christine Agger Hansen was Norway's richest person: she was sentenced to ten months in prison

Christen Agger-Hansen became known as “Norway's richest man” in 2000, when his venture capital firm Cognition was valued at around NOK 20 billion. But the bubble burst, and after that things went downhill for the Norwegian.

It has gone through a long series of bankruptcies. In 2017, he also had Kronofogden, Sweden's answer to the Norwegian public prosecutor's office, on the neck for unpaid taxes. Later that year, he fought for control of the British media company Johnstone Press. The company ended up being placed under administration and the company was taken over by the beneficiaries despite this Strong feedback From Hansen bricks.

Now he's in trouble again, but for completely different reasons.

He was sentenced to ten months in prison

A British court sentenced Ager Hansen to 10 months in prison. Today's business The case was first reported in Norway.

The Norwegian financier is said to be broke Several legal decisions With intent, he is sentenced to imprisonment for contempt of court.

The ruling comes after Ager-Hanssen published what he refers to as a whistleblowing report from his former employer, cryptocurrency company Nchain, which also brought charges against him.

Nchain believes he breached his duty of confidentiality and did not follow the agreement made when he left Ager-Hanssen, and the company is receiving support from the court.

Nchain's interests here are commercial, so they use all methods. But I'm a whistleblower. I have the right to tell the truth. But if I have to go to prison for it, I'm happy and proud of it, he tells Dagens Næringsliv.

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At the same time, he warned that he would appeal the ruling.

Bitcoin founder convicted of fraud

The documents leaked by Ager-Hanssen primarily relate to Craig Wright, Nchain's founder and director of research. Wright is said to have lied and falsified evidence proving that he was the inventor of Bitcoin, the mysterious figure known only as Satoshi Nakamoto.

And in another ruling This week it was proven that Wright has massively forged documents and that the claim that he is the legendary inventor of Bitcoin is complete nonsense.

Despite his contribution to Wright's fraud conviction, Ajer-Hansen himself will likely spend time in prison if the conviction is not overturned.

– This contradicts human rights and contradicts all principles. It has exposed the biggest fraud in history, Ager-Hanssen tells DN.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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