Lars Mjoen, Morten Rahm | Morten Rahm comments on the dispute with Lars Mjoen: – One-sided harassment all the way

Lars Mjoen, Morten Rahm |  Morten Rahm comments on the dispute with Lars Mjoen: – One-sided harassment all the way

Veteran comedian and KLM comedian Lars Mjøen (78) almost sparked cheers when Morten Rahm (45) announced last week that he was giving up being a comedian.

– Morten Rahm resigns from his work as a comedian. Ah, finally! In my view, it never started, Muguin wrote, among other things, on his personal Facebook page.

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However, it didn't take long before the retired comedian responded to the 78-year-old.

– You will do more humor than ever before. Thanks to Lars Mgoen who made it easy for me. Should I look at the old crap he made, and then shouldn't I be inspired by it, is one of the things Ram confronted on Instagram.

– The fool and the comedic donkey

The argument, which many seem to regard as a long-running comic battle or generational conflict, Rahm makes clear is rather a one-way communication on Migwen's part.

– I have no beef with him. He's the one who has beef with me. He regularly said every year what an ass I was. There is no “beef”. It's just one-sided harassment all the way, Ram says and continues:

-I may have made some comments too, but I didn't talk about him much without it being in a joking tone.

On the other hand, Ram believes that Mugwen is serious in his statements, and this is what separates their comments.

-He means business, he thinks I'm an idiot and a comedian. I also respond when he thinks so. I don't know if he thought we had “beef”. I have no idea what he is doing,” Ram says.

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“He is 80 years old and will go to a nursing home soon, so we can't handle that,” adds Ram.

Nettavisen has been in contact with Lars Mjøen, who does not wish to comment on the matter.

Battle of immortality

However, it should be noted that this is not the first time the comedians have fought with each other.

Since 2009, Mjøen has expressed his opinion several times, either in interviews or on his Facebook profile, about innovative entertainment that is constantly finding its place on television.

– Old comedians don't like new ones, new ones don't like old ones, and they don't understand each other. Maybe it's because the humor refers to the era in which you live. But I have a feeling for a lot of what Harald Ea did, Mjoen said in a previous interview with Netavisen.

More often than not, it was Ram's projects that were reviewed by the NRK veteran, and Ram was no stranger to the response.

The 78-year-old was the last time she watched the “Gauteshow” program on NRK, especially the episode in which Ram was a guest.

At the time, Mjøen wrote, among other things, that the program was a low target for NRK.

-The entertainment director thinks he is smart and innovative. “I find it unbearably childish,” he wrote.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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