Maria (21) Accused of Fraud at Molte University College: Who’s Really to Blame?

Maria (21) Accused of Fraud at Molte University College: Who’s Really to Blame?
Maria (21) Accused of Fraud at Molte University College: Who’s Really to Blame?

Molde University College encouraged Maria (21) and fellow students to share their submitted work on the school’s website. After being given a similar task in the exam, he was accused of cheating.

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He was punished with cancellation of examination and suspension for two semesters.

– I hope that I have presented proof that I cannot cheat, but I feel that I am not heard, says Maria. She did not want to use her full name for fear of how fraud allegations could affect her future.

The case was heard today in the Oslo District Court.

His lawyer Sven-Harald Wennevik believes so Joint Appellate BoardJoint Appellate BoardThe tribunal handles appeals from students who believe they have been unfairly punished for cheatingAffirmed the prohibition was not legally constituted when they dealt with the case.

Syllabus: Maria with the book making the syllabus for the examination in question.

Got a similar job

In 2022, Maria took a one-year course at Molte University College. In the spring semester, she submitted a mandatory assignment.

It was later published on the learning platform Canvas.

The 21-year-old was surprised when he got almost the same task in the exam a few months later.

– I did the job well, it is well known, says Maria.

Since it was a home test, Moss stayed with her parents who live outside.

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Lawyer: Maria's lawyer, Svein Harald Wennevik

The school believed there were textual similarities between Maria’s work and another student’s, and accused them of cheating due to illegal collaboration.

– The school encouraged us to post submissions CanvasCanvasIt is an online platform used by schools to share information and resources with students.Maria says it is available to all students.

She feels it is highly unfair for the school to prove her innocence rather than provide evidence of her alleged illegal association with another student.

Mother: Maria's mother has been a great support to her in this endeavor.

He gave evidence

– It’s not so easy, says Maria, who tried.

He has given the school to see the plane ticket he bought home. She made her phone and PC available so that her whereabouts and online activity could be checked during the home examination.

– They don’t want any of it, she says.

Nevertheless, the school’s complaints committee wrote to her:

“The Tribunal believes that the similarities between the two responses present a clear preponderance of probability due to deliberate unlawful cooperation during the examination”.

Maria’s mother is a teacher herself, and is familiar with the problems associated with cheating.

– I think everyone agrees that we want to detect and react to cheating, Mom says.


Error from school

He believes it is the school’s job to encourage students to share their work on the school’s website and then give an almost identical test paper.

Maria’s mother says that the letters from the school with allegations of fraud contained factual errors from the start, which did not contribute to building trust.

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– Through this case, he says, we have gained an insight into Norway’s administration, which is completely outlandish, illogical and incomprehensible.

Answer: Maria got admission in Molte University College.

When the school told Maria after the exam that they suspected her of cheating, she immediately told her parents.

– Mom says that we all thought that whatever misunderstanding was over.

After Maria talked to the school and gave her version, the case was deemed settled, and the fraud charges were dropped.

But some people wanted it differently.

The next day, Maria was contacted by the school again. She knew that those who freed her had no authority to do so. Dean Dean It is a title used in universities and colleges to describe a person responsible for a particular part of a school, such as a teacher or department.Disagree.

is mislabeled

The school’s appeals committee decided to suspend her for two semesters for cheating.

Appealed to the Joint Appellate Board.

The processing time was so long that Maria started a new course in computer science at UiO when the news arrived:

The Joint Appellate Board upheld the ban in April 2023.

The person who signed the judgment was then the president of the tribunal, lawyer Marianne Clausen.

Minister for Research and Higher Education, Sandra Porch.

In September, VG was able to reveal that the Ministry of Education had appointed him for a third term in April 2022, despite regulations stating that no one can serve more than two terms.

Maria’s lawyer believes that the vice-chairman of the tribunal was also not properly appointed.

– Unfair

Several fraud cases are in court this fall. The students’ attorneys argued that since Clausen was illegally appointed, the decisions made at the Public Complaints Board should be re-processed by the board.

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The public prosecutor appearing on behalf of the Ministry of Education in these cases has objected to this.

They believe that the error had no impact on the outcome of the results.

Research and Higher Education Minister Sandra Porch responded to a question in the Storting that there are a number of cases that need to be re-processed by the Joint Complaints Board, which now has a new chairman.

Home: Maria is at home with her parents.

But Maria and others who sued in court did not get this opportunity.

– I think it is very unfair that I have to face a test. Maria says the ministry is making a big mistake and making me bear the costs in every way.

Maria got a lot of support after the cheating allegations. Her parents were also able to help her financially as she lost both loans and scholarships due to the ban.

– Maria says that not everyone is lucky enough to have a family that can do that.

Student: Maria is now studying at UiO.

– People in power get away with it very easily

The 21-year-old has maintained a desire and interest in further studies and is now in the middle of a series of exams at the University of Oslo UiO.

He says that when Molte was banned from the University College in September 2022, he encouraged UiO to continue, despite not having the right to the exam.

Maria and her family have no hope of winning in court.

They still believe it is important to fight for what is right.

– People in authority can easily get away with their mistakes. Maria’s mother says everything is left to the student.

It’s hard for a 21-year-old to stand out against such a big set-up.

– but luckily, I was able to open up with family, friends and new study mates. “Their support has given me a huge amount,” he says.

The Ministry of Education has been presented with allegations in the case, but declined to comment on the ongoing court case. Neither is Molte University College.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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