Maria Mina, Easter talk | Easter talk: Maria Mina (38)

Maria Mina, Easter talk |  Easter talk: Maria Mina (38)

In Nettavisen's Easter column, it's all about Easter, and many celebrities talk about their plans for this holiday and their best and worst memories of Easter. At the very least, they reveal what they should have in the Easter egg. From us to you – Happy Easter!

Artist Maria Mina (38 years old) has had a long and successful career. Now she will soon take on a new role, that of a mother.

The 38-year-old usually celebrates Easter in the capital, and it will be a relatively quiet celebration for the expectant mother this year. However, Mina reveals that she was the queen of après ski.

Here's our Easter talk with Maria Mena:

What are your plans for Easter and who will you spend it with?
– We will stay in the city. We've just renovated two bathrooms at home in our apartment in Oslo and have been away for nine weeks, so we're now looking forward to tidying things up at home.

– I am six months pregnant, and I am in the process of building a nest. I hope to spend Easter cleaning out the attic and basement and getting rid of my old life before the baby arrives. However, we've booked a trip to the Canary Islands right over Easter so we can soak up the sun before we turn three.

Read also: Pregnant Maria Mina: – I was always afraid of this

What is your Easter tradition?
-I have to eat lamb one day, and then we're often a nice group of friends together. And I have to go to church on Easter morning. It is the best church service of the year and I have so much hope.

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What is the most overrated Easter tradition?
– Chocolate with orange.

What is your best Easter memory?
– The first year I was with Morten, it was Corona, and we could only ventilate ourselves on the balcony. At the same time, everything was so nice because we were newly in love and rushing through life.

What is your worst Easter memory?
– The year I got a big Freya chocolate orange and ate it all in one go. She wasn't very sick.

What should you have in an Easter egg?
– Quick lunch.

Read also: Maria Mena received a powerful wake-up call: – You will never start again

Easter in the city or Easter in the cottage?
-I grew up in a poor family, so we rarely took vacations. So I'm pretty good at Easter in the city and I like everyone to stick with it so I can have the city to myself.

Ski trip or après ski?
-I can't skateboard and I don't drink anymore. But in my time I was the queen of skiing and après skiing!

Quick lunch or marzipan?
– Quick lunch.

Easter puzzle or crossword?
– Crimea!!

Do you have an Easter activity you recommend?
-This year, some friends are preparing an Easter race for those of us in town. it's a pleasure!

Orange with chocolate, yes or no?
– … shock.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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