Labeling products like white goods on energy will make it easier for consumers to choose energy-saving products. The scale is from A (green) to G (red), the first being the most effective option.
During a review of energy labels for stores in 2016-2019, inconsistencies were discovered in both Elkjøp and Power, which were enforced in 2020 Ministry of Petroleum and Energy fee of NOK 500,000 each.
Al-Kjoba agreed to the fine, while Bauer complained about it.
important issue
In the final decision issued by the ministry this week, the energy fee of 500,000 kroner was maintained.
To DinSide, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Aasland, said it was important that information on products was correct and clear so that the consumer knew what they were buying.
Customers should be able to make well-thought-out purchases and they should be able to trust that information is correct, he says.
Petroleum and Energy Minister Terje Asland in a washing machine in the basement of Parliament. Photo: Martin Kenningrode Storbo
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Especially in these days of abnormally high electricity prices, many are interested in making more energy efficient purchases, cutting the electricity bill and helping people save money, hence the information in advertisements and shops must be correct, says Aasland.
– When a customer thinks they have invested in a new washing machine because they think it is a more energy friendly product than the one they have, but then it turns out that is not true – it is not good.
The minister stressed that producers and stores in general should get better at putting up good energy labels.
Random samples revealed that there was a lack of energy labels on products and that violations related to both errors in advertising and incorrect labeling in stores. In all, 35 percent of the products examined had deviations.
– It’s alarmingly high, and the shops have to do something about it. So we must be clear to stores and manufacturers and this must have consequences, says the minister.
Purchase can be announced
Energy labeling will make it easier for consumers to compare appliances, so they can choose a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly product, says Thomas Iversen, a consumer advocate for the Consumer Council. Energy-saving products use less energy, which positively affects the electricity bill.
There is no doubt that incorrect labeling of energy is a defect under the Consumer Purchase Act. He writes in an email that the heater has a warranty period of five years from the date of purchase.
Thomas Iverson, Consumer Advocate at the Consumer Council. Photo: Halvor Pritzlaff Njerve / Forbrukerrådet
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– What are consumer rights here?
– Consumers who received an item with an incorrect energy label from Elkjøp and Power must contact the store and announce their purchase. The first thing you should ask is for a new product that meets the requirements for said energy label. If for some reason Elkjøp or Power cannot provide this, the consumer can request a price reduction. It is normal for products with a good energy label to cost more than products with a lower grade.
– In this case, Elkjøp and Power must pay this price difference.
Iversen also mentions electricity consumption and says that if a consumer can document that their electric bill was higher because Elkjøp or Power sold a product that uses more energy than the label indicates, this is an additional cost that could in principle be required to be covered.
-However, it can be difficult to calculate the correct amount of compensation here, he points out.

Now you can gods washing machine
This is what Bauer and the Jujubeh say
The authority, which complained about the fees in 2020, says it has carefully reviewed the decision and taken this into account.
– In the aftermath of Power’s briefing on the discrepancies in 2020, we have introduced new power rating procedures. We want customers to care about energy labels, because energy-saving products provide benefits that benefit the industry, customers, and society. Therefore, customers should be confident that our products are properly labeled, and that they are receiving good enough information to be able to make environmentally conscious choices in our stores, Power’s Director of Public Relations and Communications, Monica Fasting, wrote in an email.
When asked what affected customers can do, Bauer answers:
– If customers purchase a product with an incorrect energy label, we encourage them to contact their energy store. Then of course we’ll clean it up.
Elkjøp tells DinSide that they have daily routines when it comes to energy labeling.
– We’ve also improved here since the situation from 2020. We agree with the Consumer Council’s data, and if our customers today experience that products have been incorrectly tagged, you can of course get back to us, Madeline Schoen, Director of Communications at Elkjøp Norway, wrote in an email. Letter to DinSide.
– All products that require tagging with us, in addition to the store, are also marked on our website so that this is clearly indicated.
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