New record

New record

that it Kanaryavsen report Record sea temperatures were recorded in the Canary Islands this year. According to the electronic newspaper, the weather has not been this hot since measurements began in 1940.

– The Canary Islands experienced an extremely hot and dry year in 2023. The annual average was 20.1°C, and the amount of rainfall was 25 percent below normal values. Meanwhile, the sea surface temperature was also the highest since 1940, the newspaper wrote.

Robbing passengers by the millions

Netavisa refers to figures from the Spanish government meteorological agency “Emet”, which show that the temperature is 1.5 degrees higher than normal.

The weather was particularly dry in Las Palmas province, where only 85.4 mm of rain fell, which is 64 percent of normal. Temperatures this winter will be above average according to long-range forecasts, and could rise up to three degrees above normal, Kanaryavisen wrote.

The meteorological agency report shows that there is a 60 percent chance that the Canary Islands will experience a warmer than usual winter.

Clear call

Clear call

Earlier in December, it was reported that a new tourist record was on the way to the Canary Islands.

The islands are about to reach 16 million tourists by the new year, which will exceed the record set in 2017.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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