New Year’s Eve 2022: Get out of the copper net –

New Year’s Eve 2022: Get out of the copper net –

It had been clear for a long time that the so-called copper network had no future. But you are a world from the past. Rarely has any technology changed Norway as much as telecommunications from the first line transmitting messages in Morse code to the first conversations in 1880 to now when we have turned off the old technology. The first steam locomotive ran in 1804, but steam was modernized in 1971. The copper grate was to last another 51 years.

There are many things that made the copper network redundant, but the mobile phone was a solid stab. All, with very few exceptions, here is one such and it has been a while since we realized that paying for two services was redundant.

The Internet was a kind of boom for the copper network. First via analog modems, then ISDN and then via various DSL technologies. But here, too, he failed. The bit rate has become too soft for most people because we have consumed broadcast TV. Now fiber, cable and wireless connections have taken over the vast majority.

It’s not like the demolition has started now. It’s been going for a long time, but it won’t be possible to make calls using a landline over the copper network. A crunch is unlikely because there are fewer than 300 private subscriptions left.

The copper grid is also a massive user of electricity. A full 100 GWh is needed annually to keep it running. We can better use electricity instead for other purposes.

On the last day of the year, we spoke to Telenor’s network copper pioneer, Arne Quist Christensen, Telenor’s update manager.

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Technically: Moberg & Valmot

Odd Richard Valmot and Jan M. Moberg.

Jean M. Moberg And the Curious Richard and Death i Teknisk Ukeblad are both civil engineers with solid technology backgrounds. Every week they talk about current technology topics on the TU Podcast Technically speaking.

Technically the collection is usually posted every Thursday afternoon.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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