news, mobile | These apps consume your phone’s battery

news, mobile |  These apps consume your phone’s battery

Follow Favorite: If you want to check which apps are consuming the most power, and how you can save battery on your iPhone or Android phone, this is the guide you need. For example, if you’re going on a trip and want your battery to last as long as possible, it might be a good idea to save a little by making some smart settings and tweaks.

Snapchat is one of the worst things for your battery, especially its location settings. If you want to save some battery, and at the same time use the service, you can turn off sites (select the so-called “stealth mode”). If you turn off notifications, you also save battery, especially if they wake up the screen.

Streaming apps are the worst, but if you still want to watch stuff on your phone, notifications can also be turned off here so you don’t have to use unnecessary force to see that random series got new seasons.

Facebook is a real mess, and you might want to switch to using the service only in the browser. If you don’t want it, you have to turn off several settings that allow it to use the phone to send information while you’re doing other things.

This is how you make the battery last longer

1. Dim the light (turn down the brightness)

2. Turn off Wi-FI search when not using WI-FI (hover and select the icon)

3. Remove Auto Update under Settings. Update manually when the phone is connected to power.

4. Turn off notifications that you don’t need

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5. Turn off location services for apps you don’t need (start by disabling all under Location Services or Location, and instead turn on the services you should have when you need them)

6. Check grades. The battery does not like being in the heat or cold very well.

7. Blue tooth jaw. You don’t have to wear it all the time.

8. Vibration removal. Uses battery, uses more resonance.

9. Remember to charge when you can. You shouldn’t wait until you get zero percent.

10. Look at nature instead of your mobile phone.

These are the worst apps for your battery

Drain the nation of Uswitch I checked which apps are using the most of your battery and their list is as follows:

1. Google

2. Facebook

3. Messenger

4. WhatsApp Messenger

5. Amazon Alexa

6. Gmail

7. Uber Taxi

8. Waze GPS

9. Google Chrome

10. YouTube Music

It should be noted that Spotify has come a long way from YouTube Music. When Android Authority did the same scan, they found many of the same: Facebook, Messenger, Skype, Tinder, Fitbit, Snapchat, Instagram, and the like.

When UK PCMag made their list, the worst was United Airlines, so it might be worth checking those apps out as well. Fitbit also has a worse review, along with TikTok and Duolingo.

How to check which apps are using battery on your iPhone

Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

Scroll down and tap on “Battery”.

Wait a moment while your iPhone collects battery usage data. When the data is ready, you’ll see a list of your apps under “Battery usage per app.”

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The list of apps is sorted by how much battery you used in the specified period of time. You can view battery usage for the last 24 hours or the last 10 days by choosing between the two options at the top of the screen.

Next to each app, you will see a percentage that shows how much total battery consumption the respective app accounts for in the specified time period. If you tap on an app, you’ll see more detailed information, including how long the app has been active on the screen and how long it’s been running in the background.

Checking battery usage in this way can help you identify apps that are consuming a lot of power and consider whether to change settings, update apps, or uninstall apps to improve iPhone battery life.

How to check which apps are using battery on your Android device

To check which apps are using battery on your Android device, follow these steps:

Open the Settings app on your Android device.

Scroll down and tap “Battery” or “Battery and device care” (depending on your Android version and device manufacturer).

Tap “Battery Usage” or “Battery Usage Since Last Charge” (the name may differ between different devices).

You’ll now see a list of apps and services sorted by how much battery you’ve used since your last charge. The list displays a percentage next to each app, which indicates how much total battery consumption the app is consuming.

If you want to see more detailed information about an app, tap on it and you will see how long the app has been in use and other relevant information about battery usage.

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Checking battery usage in this way can help you identify apps that are consuming a lot of power and consider whether to change settings, update apps, or uninstall apps to improve battery life on your Android device.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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