The case is updated.
That was sensational at the general meeting of NTS salmon in Rorvik on Friday morning.
A group of rebellious families believed they controlled most of the company, with less than 50.1 percent of the stock, and suggested that the largest owner, Helge Gasso and his son Anders, be fired from the board of directors.
This did not happen.
Vote against the private group
Instead of being elected chairman of the board, Hans-Martin Storow chose to withdraw from the uprising.
– I would not have taken responsibility as Chairman of the Board of Directors in this case. And so we decided to vote against the rally proposal we were a part of, he says.
Hans-Martin Storow has been proposed as Chairman of the NTS Board of Directors. Now join as a board member. (photo: private)
He himself owns just under 50,201 shares in NTS, or 0.04 percent, but is also the chairman of Guntvedt Holding, the thirteenth-largest owner of 0.97 percent of the shares.
– I wanted friendly solutions in this case, building a bridge between gathering and finding the best solutions for the company. I lobbied and pressed, and I could have come to a settlement until yesterday if the agreed-upon proposal on the minority had been settled until yesterday. Storo says he was not accepted.
There is a power struggle in some of Norway’s largest salmon farming companies. The families fighting for control of the NTS are based in Rorvik, and the company will take over.
Billionaire salmon Gåsø, the largest single shareholder in NTS, in turn spearheaded a bid to acquire Norway’s Royal Salmon, in which NTS acquired more than two-thirds of the shares, merging that part with actual broad-based farming activities. NTS salmon group, salmonor.
notices, First mentioned by E24, that the uprising did not lead, Norway sent the share of royal salmon in a bird landing on the Oslo Stock Exchange on Friday, and the share at the time of writing was more than ten percent. On the other hand, the NTS share fell by just over one percent.
Huge number of messages
Hans-Martin Storow, who is not NTS chairman but joins as a regular member of the board, says he received an “enormous amount of negative feedback” from shareholders not affiliated with any of the blocs in the time before the general meeting. I have received the same from the staff.
– Guntvedt Holding wanted broader board representation, and when we didn’t get approval we could do nothing but vote against it. It was decided a few minutes before the general meeting. We must take into account all shareholders. If one is to join the company as chairman of the board of directors, it is imperative that the owners cooperate. One cannot enter into perpetual conflict, he says.
– Were you disappointed with the result?
– No, I am very satisfied that NTS was not put in the position in which it could have been.
The proposed change was voted on by a narrow margin, with just 50.14 percent of the vote.
The price of Norwegian Royal Salmon has risen significantly in recent days amid speculation that the shareholder group that has sprung up in the Rørvik community will sell these shares.
I think it’s clear that Salmar and other salmon farmers might still be interested in buying Norwegian royal salmon, if the opportunity presents itself. Stock analyst Knut-Ivar Bakken at Sparebank 1 Markets said the market hasn’t changed much since the premiere. to dn. (Conditions)Copyright Dagens Næringsliv AS and/or our suppliers. We would like you to share our cases using a link that leads directly to our pages. All or part of the Content may not be copied or otherwise used with written permission or as permitted by law. For additional terms look here.
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