– People often react with ‘Oh, that was pink’. Either they think he’s cool or they’re too bold.

– People often react with ‘Oh, that was pink’.  Either they think he’s cool or they’re too bold.

Bate Bauer is an in-house in-house manager. As a psychologist, she knows how the environment affects us both positively and negatively.

– The pink room became like a glowing, warm and enveloping cave. Beate Bauer says that the living room itself is a warm and intimate room.
Posted: Posted:

Preferred glove: The pink room, which the children call “the girls’ cotton candy room”.

from what where: Beate Bauer, hobby blog kept retrospective, @dynamisk_salong on Instagram, Skien

The house is 100 years old. It’s an eternal renewal project, according to Bauer. When they moved nine years ago, it looked like a Canadian log cabin.

– She was too harsh. Old, sad and dark records. It was a tremendous amount of work. What did we not do at home? The laughs are we won’t finish.

– It’s become a good family room. We do everything from convenience to creative things. This is one of the reasons why I love him so much.
The living room is divided into two zones with a game wall. From the white part also the kitchen.

Almost all the walls were demolished. The floor plan has changed, and they have prepared miles of new wall panels and floors. Everything that can be painted has been painted. For the summer, the cladding will be changed and outdated, and more original windows will be installed.

outside man: Bauer says she has a helpful husband. She draws and thinks. Sculpt and hold.

– He is generous and accepts, for example, the pink living room. He dared to risk that it would be fine, but he might be a little nervous at times, says Bauer.

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Affects mood: Bauer works as a psychiatrist. Through her work, she became aware of how the environment affects feelings and moods.

What we have around us affects how we feel. When I visually appeal to the surroundings, it does a lot with my mood and energy. I like to be bold and a little crazy in terms of interior design. Bauer says I thrive best when the outer and the inner are in harmony, and I stand by what I like.

The living room is painted about every two years. Bauer believes paint can change the entire experience of a room. She is the house painting director. This color is inspired by the rug.
The white part was also painted in other colors, including black. The drawing is simple, but at the same time gives a great effect, says Bauer.

new and old: She describes the interior as fun. Things have always been a mixture of new and old. Her style is constantly evolving. It was elegant and simple interior style. Now it is colorful and eclectic.

I love the reuse and contrast between the old and the new. Surprising and exotic items that the common man on the street would not choose.

Happy I Teak: – The charm of retro teak furniture has followed me all these years, to the great desperation of a man.

Good solutions: Around the house they have many furniture built into the space. It needs an old house, sloping walls and sloping roofs. In each of the children’s rooms they have a built-in sofa, desk and bed. In the pink living room, they made a workbench along the entire wall.

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– We use it for everything. In the pictures it looks elegant, but tends to the abundance of cartoons, projects and pearls. Girls can sit there for hours. The pink living room is a social and creative area.

Bauer loves to reuse furniture and has a lot of old furniture around the house. A built-in bookshelf surrounds the door, and a workbench extends across the wall.
The new and the old go hand in hand.

The living room is divided into two parts: One part became a pink cave. Even the window sills are painted pink. The other side is white. The living rooms are divided by a black wall 1.5 meters wide.

The room is semi salmon pink. People often reply with “Oh, that was pink.” Either they think he’s cool or they’re too bold. There are probably some guys out there who think she’s too bold.

The color has been changed several times: Bauer says she is easily influenced by trends. Therefore, the living room is painted approximately every two years. It was green, white, orange and black.

– I want to be in development. We as human beings are influential, and this is reflected in the style changes.

The swing between the pink and white living room is put to good use and a good babysitter.

fell for carpet: The house is cold on the floor, so Bauer bought a rug that covered almost the entire room in the pink living room. The rug, which is light pink with large flowers, was also the starting point for the wall color. She spent a long time finding the right color.

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Remember between rooms: It is used by three out of four in the family, i.e. Bauer and children. She says she is a good babysitter. Children can use the swing for several hours at a time.

Bauer’s Best Interior Design Tips:

  • Dare to be different and special. Don’t get too caught up in what other people think is cute. I decorate with what I like and feel comfortable with.
  • Colors create life inside. One must dare to experiment with attractive color options. Painting the wall doesn’t require a lot of time or money, but it can make a big difference. Also consider painting more of the walls. Moldings and ceilings of the same colors give a cool effect.
  • I recommend building furniture on site. Then you get the most out of the room.
  • Old furniture can be beautiful with a new color. Feel free to paint the same color as the wall, any color on tone.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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