Personal invitation to Se og Hør Ulf editor André Andersen for Princess Märtha Louise

Personal invitation to Se og Hør Ulf editor André Andersen for Princess Märtha Louise

This comment from Se og Hør’s editor, Ulf André Andersen, is related to Se og Hør’s exclusive interview with Durek Verrett’s mother, Veruschka Urquhart. You can read the status here:

– He brainwashed my son, Martha

comment: Dear Martha Louise. Hope it looks good. I have previously written some open letters here in the Journal to your dear Durek.

So far I have not received any response from him, so I have chosen to write you a few words. I saw you stopped by and offered an onstage interview during the SKUP (Institution for Critical and Investigative Journalism, editor’s note) conference in Tønsberg the other day.

During the interview at a Skup conference in Tønsberg, Martha tells Louise that her future husband Durek Verret is not a self-proclaimed shaman, but was chosen by generations. His mother, Veruschka Urquhart, disagrees. Video: Look and listen.

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After all, she previously criticized you for ignoring media criticism — and then fleeing the public debate that will inevitably come when Amira takes charge and aims and shoots. So, it seemed tough and brave of you to stand up straight in front of 600 critical and curious Norwegian journalists late on a Friday evening.

I understand that you had a presentation where you gave examples of cases where you think the press has gone too far with what you think are assaults and inappropriate actions. Unfortunately, I wasn’t present myself, but I was told you also showed some examples from Se og Hør on the big screen, as you think we’ve gone too far.

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A powerful meeting between Doric and Ari’s family

The editors and I would love to hear more from you on this matter, and hope you’ll have the time and opportunity to meet us one day. We can all learn.

As you can see on the cover of Se og Hør today and online, we have a new status about your future husband. This time we investigated part of what Durek Verrett said earlier about his background and history – and at the same time caught up with his mother again to hear how she was experiencing the same thing.

Until now, Derek Ferret’s mother has kept away from the press. But in March, Se og Hør traveled to New York, and I got her to speak. Video: Lars Gutnip. Photos: private, Instagram/@shamandurek. Storytelling: Nora Skafog.
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As you and the rest of our readers will see: there are two different stories, and we’re trying to balance them. Then the readers can judge for themselves. Why do we make all this stuff, Martha, you might wonder.

If so, let me explain. By virtue of being your fiancé, and also running an open and somewhat controversial business, he has a voice in the public sphere. So far we’re probably in complete agreement. Durek, through his social media, often addresses people who are in a vulnerable and desperate situation. This combination means that we will thus put what he says and does under the strong light of a lamp.

- Why can't I meet Martha?

– Why can’t I meet Martha?

We therefore believe it is of the utmost importance that people who wish to use Durek’s services also have access to this information. This also applies to information that Durek himself does not provide. We believe that telling this side of the story is at the heart of Se og Hørs’ mission.

I understand that this can be seen as close journalism – and that such large reports can seem violent. But everything is based on statements and opinions that Derek himself put forward in the public domain.

- Martha's parents asked me to move

– Martha’s parents asked me to move

We’re always keen to document that, Martha.

We take responsibility for our role in the community, and we are constantly working to ensure that the information provided is correct and relevant. Another thing I mentioned earlier is Durek’s attack on medical science. Judging from the SKUP conference minutes, you claim that the allegations are untrue. If I’m right that Durek didn’t go against mainstream school medicine, I’d be a little glad.

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The wedding is suspended

Because like your husband, I am totally dependent on the dialysis machine for survival – because we both suffer from kidney failure. We can both thank medical science that we can still have a life.

When I read Durek’s book “Spirit Hacking” I didn’t have that impression, but it’s nice to hear that maybe I’m wrong here. And this is certainly not the only mistake that Si Aug Hor and I made. So we’d love to hear more about this from you.

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Therefore, I hope you will contact us. Of course, I understand that you cannot be responsible for your fiancé’s statements, actions, or history. But even if you love him very much, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you support him in everything he says and does.

Because with your role as royalty, it can get complicated quickly, as we’ve seen. And I think it’s important going forward not to tear down the network when the criticism comes in. It applies as much to the editor as it does to the princess.

I’d like to discuss this in more detail with you, Martha. I think we can have a nice chat. You can find me [email protected]

C/o Ulf André Andersen, responsible editor, Se og Hør.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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