Pole vault: Armand Duplantis prepares for another Olympics USA: He left his girlfriend

Pole vault: Armand Duplantis prepares for another Olympics USA: He left his girlfriend
Pole vault: Armand Duplantis prepares for another Olympics USA: He left his girlfriend

The world's best athlete Armand Duplantis (24 years old) leaves Sweden and loves the quiet small town life in the USA.


Duplantis lives with his girlfriend, Desiree Englander, in Stockholm. But when he has to defend Tokyo's Olympic gold medal in Paris next summer, he goes “home” to Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

– I have no obligations there at all, I will take things easy, play golf and spend my time with friends. It's going to be cold, Duplantis adds Express.

The 24-year-old was named World Athlete of the Year this year as well as last year World record with a distance of 6.23 metres And Golden toilet. According to Aftonbladet, he has an income of About 40 million Norwegian kroner this year.

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Englander's girlfriend threw herself at him after winning WC gold in Budapest. She's rarely far away when Duplantis competes. But it won't come to the United States. Bå leaves his girlfriend, who stays in Sweden, to take up modeling duties. She also did not join him when he went to the United States in the fall. But next year you will gradually catch up.

-It's very quiet there, much more than she's used to. She grew up in the city, she's a true “city girl,” and that's pretty much the case. Even Stockholm is too small for it, really. So it would be very different for her to come to Baton Rougem, Duplantis tells Expressen.

WC GOLD: Desiré Inglander was in Budapest when Armand Duplantis won the second gold medal of his life in August.

But when he travels to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, which has a population of just over 200,000, he feels at home. He was born and raised in Lafayette, in the same state, to an American father and a Swedish mother. He went to college there.

In the interview conducted by a major Swedish newspaper, there is one word that is repeated after the huge amount of attention and great achievements of the past year. He misses relaxation. Now he will.

“When I go to Louisiana, it will be very cold,” says Duplantis.


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Najuma Ojukwu

Najuma Ojukwu

"Infuriatingly humble internet trailblazer. Twitter buff. Beer nerd. Bacon scholar. Coffee practitioner."

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