Prince Charles Roser Thunberg – VG

Prince Charles Roser Thunberg – VG
Committed: Prince Charles is committed to the climate and understands the frustration of young people.

The British heir to the throne sympathizes with Greta Thunberg: – Of course I do.


At the end of September, Thunberg spoke at the Youth Climate Conference in Italy. The goal was to criticize world leaders and their climate promises.

– Blah, blah, such is all we hear from our so-called leaders. Words that sound good, but so far have not led to action. The 18-year-old said that our hopes and ambitions are drowning in empty promises Watchman.

Now Prince Charles, next in line to take the British throne, has commented on her speech.

Crucial: Greta Thunberg (18) is making climate demands on leaders around the world.

I understand the frustration of young people

Charles, 72, is known for his commitment to climate and, according to Reuters, has previously expressed understanding for young environmental activists’ frustration with leaders, he wrote. express.

Young people feel that nothing has happened, so of course they get frustrated, says the Prince in one of them BBC interview.

At the same time, he criticizes groups such as Extinction Rebellion, who are protesting in the streets.

Prince Charles says what they’re doing doesn’t help, I think, to do it in a way that alienates people, and he’s calling for a more positive climate movement.

He stresses that he understands that they are frustrated and hopes that people will notice the desperation of the young people.

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Climate conference with senior managers

The interview with the award comes on the heels of the main UN climate conference, COP26, to be held on November 1 in Glasgow, Scotland.

In an interview with the BBC, he said he was concerned that leaders were only talking and not acting.

– The problem is to begin the procedures, he thinks.

The conference should have actually held 9-20. November 2020, however has been postponed Because of the corona pandemic.

COP26 will start with a meeting expected to be attended by more than 100 world leaders, including US President Joe Biden. NTB is also receiving confirmation that incoming Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Stoer plans to attend the meeting.

VG corrects: In the first issue of this case, it was stated in the headline that Prince Charles is critical of Thunberg’s proposal. this is not true. The right thing is that he criticizes the protest in the streets. Corrected on 11.10.21 at 20:53.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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