Putin promised the “heroes of Russia”: we will not surrender

Putin promised the “heroes of Russia”: we will not surrender

On Thursday, Vladimir Putin invited him to a party and ceremony at the Kremlin headquarters in Moscow. With a glass of fizz in his hand, the president made a promise to the “Heroes of Russia”; Millions of Ukrainians will face a dark, icy winter, and he will make sure of that.

Putin plans to continue his systematic attacks on Ukraine’s infrastructure, while the temperature drops in the country. In the coming months, both sides of the war are expected to use winter as a weapon. Russia is using the cold against the population, while the Ukrainian army is waiting for the impossible mud to freeze into solid ice, making it easier for heavy military vehicles to break through.

It admits attacks on infrastructure

Putin wrote that during a ceremony honoring Russian soldiers in the Kremlin on Thursday, he simultaneously acknowledged Russian attacks on infrastructure in Ukraine. Watchman.

– Yes, we are attacking Ukraine’s electricity supply. Don’t forget who started this, Vladimir Putin said during his speech.

Flames and smoke rise from Krimbroen.  Photo taken on October 8th.  Photo: AFP/NTB

Flames and smoke rise from Krimbroen. Photo taken on October 8th. Photo: AFP/NTB

Putin points to the explosion on the Crimean bridge on October 8 as a starting point. The bridge is the main junction between annexed Crimea and the Russian mainland, and Putin insists Russia was not behind the blast.

He also claims that the Kiev regime is behind the explosions that destroyed the power cables feeding power from the Kursk nuclear power plant. Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) claims that “Ukrainian saboteurs” deliberately destroyed power cables supplying electricity to residential areas, hospitals and other infrastructure, he wrote. Odessa Journal in August. The accident occurred earlier that month.

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Who is behind the two incidents is unknown, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky confirms that such an order was never issued by them.

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Putin stands with

Putin stands with the “Heroes of the Motherland”, who now bear Russia’s most prestigious titles. Photo: Michael Metzl/Sputnik/The Kremlin/Reuters/NTP

– The end of the world could happen

Since October, a number of cities in Ukraine have experienced repeated attacks on infrastructure, with tens of millions of people without electricity, water and lighting for periods. At the same time, the temperature drops, and it can drop to minus 20 degrees when winter solemnly announces its onset.

The mayor of Kyiv, former boxing champion Vitali Klitschko, promises to save the capital during the winter, no matter how harsh it gets. In the 90s and 2000s, he fought for the world championship title. Now he is fighting for the survival of his country.

The battle he is fighting is very important to the three million residents of Kiev: to ensure that the city does not experience a total blackout, to ensure that families do not freeze to death, to ensure that the Ukrainian capital does not lose contact with the outside. Globalism.

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Mayor Vitali Klitschko is pictured in his office in Kiev.  Photo: John Leicester/AP/NTB

Mayor Vitali Klitschko is pictured in his office in Kiev. Photo: John Leicester/AP/NTB

But it will not be an easy task.

– Kiev may lose electricity, water and heating. He says bluntly and honestly from his office in the city that the end of the world could happen.

Now Vladimir Putin has emphasized that the threat to Klitschko and his city are not attacks in which infrastructure is casually compromised, but targeted attacks with one goal in mind; Ukraine turned into ice.

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The Russian president promises that “unnecessary noise” from Kremlin critics will not hinder the achievement of the country’s public goals; To take all or part of Ukraine “back home” under Russian rule.

Experts claim the opposite BBC That the goal of sabotaging infrastructure is not a military victory, but to break the morale and will to fight among the population of Ukraine. The Kremlin denies that this is the purpose of the attacks, which they claim are military.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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