– LO dislikes SAS conditions in Norwegian working life. Skocak tells NRK that we always speak clearly when actors try to avoid their employer’s responsibility
It is especially tempting to create SAS Affiliates and SAS Affiliates.
LO believes this was done to “deprive SAS employees of their rights”. The company denies this (see response below on the case).
– The LO vice-president says the case is an example of a kind of burn-and-police with own employees who do not belong anywhere in Norwegian working life.
LO Vice President Sissel M. Skocak believes the government needs to close loopholes in the law and believes the SAS strike shows why.
Photo: William Jobling / NRK
He now demands that the government come up with a new bill. This will give employees who lose their jobs priority rights to other jobs in the same group. In addition, the LO wants the dismissal to be labeled as unfair if the group still has a suitable job.
Both propositions were first presented Faulkner selection Last year in June.
– If the government’s review of the Faulkner report had already taken place, I doubt the SAS could have proceeded as they did, Skoghaug says.
Supports the request
Kristen Horn Johannessen, a lawyer at staff organization Barat, rejects LO’s claim outright.
– Employment relationships are placed at companies where SAS now works, modeled on new airlines SAS Connect and SAS Link. They are fired by the airline, which then hires staff as needed. He says it’s similar to what Norwegian has been doing for a while.
Before the summer, the government offered more Proposal for amendments to the Working Environment Act. According to Barat Advocate, these are going in the right direction. Among other things, changes in staffing practices within larger groups may have consequences.
– He says the government’s change will ensure employees are actually hired where they work, and not removed from the part of the company where money is made, where the work is done and where the business is conducted.
Rejects criticism
SAS believes that LO and Parat are false claims.
– We experience that ideas and objectives are assigned to us that we do not have. Of course, SAS follows applicable rules and agreements, says Knut Morten Johansen, director of community relations at SAS.
Knut Morten Johansen at SAS believes that LO and Parat teach the company concepts and objectives that it lacks.
Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTP Scanpix
He points out that over the decades the SAS Group has comprised many companies that have served different markets.
– What is known today as SAS Connect was created in 2017 to avoid London line closures. SAS Link is actually an insourcing that reduces the scope of leases and increases the use of own aircraft and crew, he says.
Insourcing indicates that A company takes over tasks it previously purchased from other suppliers.
When asked what he thought of LO’s proposal, Johansson replied:
– We have several examples of SAS applying priority rights to other jobs in the group. Among others, between different jobs and companies on the ground. Different skills and qualifications play a role here, as does wind.
The SAS strike has exposed loopholes in regulations, LO believes.
Photo: Erik Johansson / NTB
Pray for politicians
The LO organizes pilots in the Norwegian Aviation Association, while the pilots union YS is organized in Barat. Both unions were shut down by this summer’s strike at SAS.
When the mediated settlement finally took effect last week, Pilot Association President Oddbjørn Holsether walked out Published in Dagsavisen He also asked politicians to step in.
– Foreign contracts with foreign unions suddenly became part of Norwegian working life. Although SAS has not established SAS Connect and SAS Connect sites in Norway, Holsether said this is possible due to the lack of legislation.
Oddbjørn Holsether at the Pilots Association believes politicians should step in.
Photo: Hans-Olav Landsverk
Knut Morten Johansson Holsether at SAS, for its part, believes that “accuracy claims” are at risk.
– SAS is a Scandinavian company. In Denmark, a collective agreement was reached with the largest Danish trade union. In Norway, he says, the Norwegian treaties apply.
Announcing a seizure
Labor Minister Marte Mjøs Persen (Ap) said several of the Fougner committee’s proposals had already been presented to the Storting. Others are still under consideration by the government.
– The Faulkner Committee report was widely consulted. This work is a high priority for the government, and we will present proposals soon, Persen tells NRK.
Labor Minister Marte Mjos Persen (AP) says the government will come up with its own aviation strategy in the autumn.
Photo: Javad Barza / NTB
– This applies, inter alia, to the scheme on making the employer liable. He says that those who actually manage employees should also manage the work.
Specifically, the part of a team that actually determines employees’ daily lives should also be responsible for employees’ working conditions.
– The government would not comment specifically on the organizational structure of SAS. But on a general basis, I would say that the Norwegian work-life model is incredibly important to us. We will do our best to protect it and strengthen the rights of employees, says Persen.
He adds that the government is also working on a separate strategy for aviation and an action plan against social littering. He gave the same message in an interview Pinposton Wednesday.
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