Side by Side: Strong reactions to events

Side by Side: Strong reactions to events

NRK’s ​​popular show “Side om Side” is now in its tenth and final season. The series has struck a chord with the Norwegian people, and fans are watching it closely now that the final season has hit the screen.

Accessed – rejected

In the wake of Saturday’s episode, there’s one incident in particular that caused fans to react.

TV2 I mentioned it first.

Before John Almas became a TV presenter, he tried his luck as an actor in the United States of America. Everything went well. Video: Red Runner
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During the episode, we learned that the character Christian Copperud, played by John Almas (56 years old), will participate in “Næringsmila.”

In familiar style, Kopperud immediately begins training hard to achieve the best possible result.

However, towards the end of the episode, you can see that the hard training is taking its toll on Copperwood. He collapses to the ground and his son Andreas, played by Olaf Omeyer, is forced to resort to CPR.

Dramatic: Christian Kobrod collapses in the final episode of

Dramatic: Christian Koprud collapses in the final episode of “Side om Side”. Photo: Screenshot from NRK TV
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After Saturday’s episode, many viewers took to social media to express their feelings about the scene.

On TikTok, “Side om Side” fans shared videos of the episode in which Koprud lies unconscious on the floor.

In addition, many took to the comment fields to comment on the incident. Many are now speculating whether NRK “killed” Koprud, or whether he is still alive.

“Today a new legend died,” one person wrote in his TikTok video.

Another wrote: “Okay, I’m laughing now.”

A third wrote: “Omg I can’t wait for the next episode!”

NRK set up the ring so that the “Kopperud” would remain in place. You will not know what will happen to him until the next episode.

It is clear that viewers are very excited to know the outcome when the next episode comes next Saturday.

Is Christian Kopperud dead? Or is he still alive?

Read also: New details have been revealed

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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