– Snoring like an old man – NRK Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– Snoring like an old man – NRK Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

Johannes Thingnes Bø's adventure with the national team began in Hafjell in 2012. The young man came to the match full of expectations and excitement.

Being put in a room with Ole Einar Bjørndalen was no less exciting. Respect for the biathlon legend was great and Thingnes Bø was obediently placed at the top of the bunk.

Ollie was coming later in the evening, so I couldn't take the family bed downstairs. So I was kind-hearted and respected the king himself, as the irony says.

After a while, Bjoerndalen entered the room. But what could have been a long-term coexistence ended after the meeting.

Johannes Thingnes Bo Young

Frisk: Johannes Thingnes Bø has been playing in the national team for 12 years. Here since the beginning of his career.

Image: NTP

Get out immediately

It didn't take long before Bjørndalen had enough of Thingnes Bø's nocturnal habits.

It was exciting, until we discovered that he snores like an old man at night. So we're not roommates anymore. Then he got mostly one room, smiling.

Thingnes Bø remembers that Bjørndalen went and settled elsewhere. This was not the way he wanted to introduce himself to the great hero.

Since then we have hardly been roommates. He said he didn't want to live with someone who snored.

Sturla Holm Lægreid was mocked by his teammates after he posted a photo of Barr on social media.

Greetings, Bjoerndalen

Three months after Bjørndalen claimed three golds in the 1993 junior WC, Thingnes Bø was born. He grew up with the star on TV, and dreams came true when they finally became teammates.

Already in the first meeting, Thingnes Bø excelled. Few people know more about biathlon than Bjoerndalen and what it takes to achieve success. Young Gippling had it.

Still a bit frail, but with a head built for biathlon, he impressed from the start.

He was young in age, but he was always mature in his behavior, mature in the way he communicated with people. He was always five years ahead of his age, Bjorndalen thought.

Ole Einar Bjoerndalen

Legend: Ole Einar Bjørndalen is among the greatest biathlon players of all time.

Photo: Roy Kenneth Sidneys Jacobsen/NRK

The endurance was there from the beginning, and gradually the necessary muscle mass also appeared. “He can be as good as he wants,” Bjorndalen believes.

To me, Johannes was motivating, forward-thinking and intelligent. Not least because he was very afraid. He had no respect when he joined the team, says Bjoerndalen.

It shows an independent person who has had the opportunity to gain access. We saw that very early on. But we could not have expected that it would become as inactive as it has been in recent years.

Wizard Thingness Bow

The young diver would eventually become Bjorndalen's heir, as the best athlete in the world.

Today, Bjørndalen follows the World Biathlon Championships as an expert for TV 2. In Nove Mesto, he has so far seen Thingnes Bø take two gold medals and two silver medals for an ever-increasing collection of medals.

He sees much of the same now, as when the Western player first joined the national team.

This is John. He managed to conjure the form of heroism. He wasn't anywhere near that level earlier this year, but now he's at his best again.

Thingness Bow and Bjørndalen

Medal: In the WC in Hochfilzen in 2017, Thingnes Bø and Bjørndalen were on the podium together.

Image: NTP

The winner's skull is turned on and in WC mode.

– He is a very intelligent athlete, and he praises Bjoerndalen.

Who is the greatest?

The Johannes Thingness Bö collection now includes 19 gold WC medals. There is only one behind Bjørndalen's 20 – who is currently the winningest biathlete in history.

– It's huge, says Thingness Poe, but he notes that there are more exercises on the program today than before.

– But then I won't last until I'm 44 either. It might go up a little.

Johannes Thinges Boe

Golgut: The search for medals began in Nove Mesto.

Image: NTP

Bjørndalen is relieved when Thingnes Bø breathes on his neck, and is sure that the gold record will soon be broken.

It is well underway and will continue for several years. It's an easy match for him, says the TV 2 expert.

On the other hand, when asked who was the best, Thingness Po was clear in his speech.

– Uli Einar. I would classify Uli Einar as the king of biathlon in his own way, and I think Martin Fourcade was quite raw in his approach. They are both role models.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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