Students are no longer allowed to pray inside school – NRK Vestland

Students are no longer allowed to pray inside school – NRK Vestland

A group of middle school students at Sagaton School in Balestrand met in recent years for Christian devotion and fellowship during their lunch break on Wednesday.

Now the school principal has put an end to the meetings with reference to the school’s presence neutral look And that there should be no religious gatherings during school hours.

Eva Bint Uma, who has two daughters on the Christian school team, says I am frustrated with the school management.

The case was first mentioned in Diocese newspaper.

NRK has been in contact with the principal of the school, which refers to the mayor in Sogndal municipality.

The rationale for the decision Type He said Christian meetings at school can be “noisy and offensive to those from other religious communities”.

Sagaton School in Ballestrand

A group of middle school students at Sagaton School in Balestrand met in recent years for Christian devotion and fellowship during their lunch break on Wednesday. Now the principal of the school has set his foot.

Photo: Kjell Arvid Stølen / NRK

Here the municipality has a barrier

based on Education Law (paragraphs 2-3, 2-4 and 9-6) Type The principal added that religious gatherings at the school “can lead to a discriminatory school environment and impede play and social learning through religious orientations.”

The letter is addressed to the head of the group at Sogndal KrF, Frode Bøthun, who has complained about the decision.

Here the municipality has a barrier. Norway should be a society open to life views where people with different opinions can practice their faith side by side, he says.

“Open Society” is the title of the report Steel group selection, which were subject to Norwegian threat policy and expectations. Work culminated in a new antitrust law, which came into force last year.

in his recommendations Type Stålsett’s choice that schools should show “roomliness with regard to the voluntary organization of schoolchildren for religious or philosophical groups and gatherings”.

The chair of the committee, Sturla Stålsett, told NRK that the decision at Sagatun School was “not only unnecessarily restrictive”, but also “directly inconsistent” with the principle of openness of life in the new antitrust law.

– Student access to self-started activity rooms in the school is regulated by the individual municipality, says Minister for Children and Families Kjersti Toppe (Sp).

And she adds:

Having said that, I would encourage the municipalities to listen to the Stålsett Committee. eA neutral society is not the same as a society without ideology. I hope the manager and the others understand the difference.

Storla Steel Collection

Culture Minister Hadia Tajik (Ap) accepted Sturla Stålsett’s recommendation in 2013.

Photo: Berit Roald / NTB

School should be a place of spiritual freedom

In 2018, the Minister of Knowledge sent Jean-Ture Sanner (H). message For all municipalities where schools are encouraged to open classes for Student starts meeting at school.

The message was sent after a agreed Parliament asked the government to guarantee Children and youth organizations have access to schools and other public buildings.

A similar signal came from Kristin Halvorsen (SV), when she was Minister of Education. In response to a written question from MP Djörn Eriksen (KrF), she indicated that the school should be “Spiritual Freedom City” And that “there should be an opportunity for schoolchildren to organize their religious activities, for example during a break.”

The bishop in Bjørgvin, Halvor Nordhog, says he is “very disappointed and surprised” by the decision he made at Sagaton School. He is not familiar with other schools that practice an equally strict streak.

This line contributes to the promotion of a situation in which faith and outlook on life are considered harmful to young people, because people think and believe differently. She does not want to promote a society in which we can live together in openness and tolerance.

Halvor Nordhog

Many students may feel excluded from participating in other activities that take place during school hours, such as football, karate and chess. But they were not banned for this reason, says the Bishop of Beurgven, Halvor Nordhaug.

Photo: John Olaf Nisvold / NTB

There must be some limits

The leader of the Ethical Humane Society, Christian Lumsdalen, fully agrees with the bishop:

It cannot be the case that the school permits sports, political, literary or democratic activities and then rejects students who wish to engage in religious or ideological activities during the same period. As long as the initiative comes from the pupils, we should allow the pupils to gather in groups during certain breaks.

However, it takes a small step back:

There should be some restrictions on these meeting activities. It is important not to be a nuisance to the other disciples.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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