Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet raised NOK 2.4 billion – facing massive criticism

Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet raised NOK 2.4 billion – facing massive criticism

It pays to be the CEO of the fourth largest company in the world right now. At least for Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai, who received a total of $226 million for the job in 2022.

In NOK, this corresponds to just under NOK 2.4 billion.

According to the statement, the base salary of the 50-year-old has remained stable at $2 million over the past three years bloomberg. Additionally, he earned $6 million in back pay from 2021, and received $218 million worth of stock.

Alphabet also spent nearly $6 million on Pichai’s personal security, company accounts show.

The share price is recovering

The stock award to Pichai is part of a three-year plan. In 2019, he was also flooding with money, as he earned a total salary of $281 million.

However, Alphabet, better known as Google’s parent company, wasn’t shielded from the technology downturn last year, with its share price dropping 39 percent, according to Bloomberg. So far this year, much of the loss has been offset by an increase of 19 percent.

Like other tech companies, Alphabet is also cutting its workforce now, which puts a bad taste on Pichai’s hefty salary. In January, they announced that 12,000 jobs would disappear, which equates to about 6 percent of the total workforce.

earns 808 times the average

Apple CEO Tim Cook, among other things, knew his visiting hours and voluntarily cut his salary by 40% to NOK 500 million this year.

Compared to other Alphabet executives, Pichai earns significantly more. COO Philip Schindler earned $37 million – about one-sixth of the CEO’s salary.

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Even worse if you compare the numbers to the average salary of Alphabet employees, which was $279,802 in 2022. If you multiply that by 808, you get Pichai’s whopping salary.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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