The swan at Nygårdsgaten refused to move

The swan at Nygårdsgaten refused to move

– A man tried to move the swan, but it got angry.

Michael Moen of Swan Aid took the swan to the rehab facility for testing.  - We will try to find her husband, she writes.
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Nicola Walker and her children witnessed an unusual sight outside the Grieghallen on Saturday evening.

– We went to a band competition. He says there was a swan in the middle of the road when we came out.

According to Walker, many people gathered around the swan in Nygaardsgaden, and many took photos.

She says passing cars should stop and take a nice turn around it.

– A man tried to move the swan, but it suddenly became angry. It didn't work, Mom says.

When Walker and the children met the swan, it was sitting in the middle of Nygardskaden.

– Not in a hurry

Eventually, more people started clapping to divert the swan.

– It had an effect. The swan eventually woke up, but it didn't seem in a hurry. Walker says it took a long time to get out of Swann's way.

As Walker and the children began to walk home, the swan landed on Edward's Creek, outside of Creehallan.

– We thought it was very funny. It really is a stubborn swan, she says.

Neither the 110 center, the police operations center, nor Bergen City Council's security center knew about the incident.

Walker said the swan was not injured.  It will run fine on its own machine... once decided...

In a rehabilitation home

Now the mystery of why the swan was lying on the road has been resolved. After the case was published, several people from Swan Aid posted in the comments section.

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Michael Moen writes from Swan Aid, I'm the one in the picture with the swan.

Holm says they were contacted by police about the swan on Saturday evening.

– A swan was seen earlier today at Lily Lungekartswan and was chased away from it by a pair that are somewhat territorial this spring. He explains that because of the weather, it didn't gain enough altitude, so it crashed into the back of Creehallan.

According to Moen, Swann is now at Aid's rehab facility to be checked out for possible injuries.

– She writes that if everything goes well, we will try to reunite her husband.

Silvia Eliasen, active in Swan Aid, writes that the swan may have been more afraid than angry after the collision with Nygaardskatten.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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