Trivan Tower, Christian Ringnes | Billionaire Oslo thinks he should give himself an iconic building: – It will be spectacular

Trivan Tower, Christian Ringnes |  Billionaire Oslo thinks he should give himself an iconic building: – It will be spectacular

Trivan (Netavisen): – It would be fantastic, property investor Christian Ringnes tells Netavisen.

Ringnes is looking for the 118 meter high Drivenstarnet, a major landmark of Oslo. Now he wants to take over the iconic tower, and the municipality will soon put it up for sale.

– I want to make a life here, a restaurant and a cafe over six floors, high, high in the air, he says about the plans.

Watch the video interview with Ringnes:

Christian Ringnes wants a special tower in Trivan.

From 1962 to the old TV tower, he wants to draw people from the center of Oslo to the panoramic view in Oslomarka.

– It could be a good attraction for Oslo, and I think people will enjoy themselves in the tower, Ringnes says with a smile.

– Ghost

As we walk around and look at Drivenstarnet, he doesn't hide that restoring the tower will cost a lot.

– I am not sure if I should get approval as it will be a very expensive affair. There is some asbestos in the building, and escape routes present major challenges. The capacity in the tower isn't even that big, so a restaurant there can't make a lot of money, says the billionaire.

– It will cost more than NOK 100 million, I am very sure of that, he points out.

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Rings comes with a small fire torch:

– So I think you should get it very simple. Already it will be a gift to the municipality of Oslo. “Because it's going to be a bit of a haunted tower, I think the alternative is soon,” he says.

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– So you think Oslo municipality should give you the tower?

– They probably aren't going to do it, so it costs a lot less. But he believes it should be no more than a token amount.

– Rotating platform

Through property company Eiendomsspar, Ringnes already owns several iconic buildings in Oslo, including the Ekeberg restaurant and the Grand Hotel.

Now he wants to try to create a new cultural monument, and imagines large glass facades, a pleasant restaurant and a cafe for skiers.

– If we're extra clever, we'll even build a rotating platform on top so you can sit and look at the table. I think it will be wonderful, he says.

He insists that he talk to his team before they finally decide to move forward with the plan.

– Because it won't be profitable, he repeats.

Drivenstarnet was previously open to visitors, but was closed in 2007 due to fire escape route requirements.

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– Powerful and iconic

However, since 2017, the tower has been completely empty after the FM network was switched off and Telenor-owned Norkring left.

– It is a powerful and iconic tower that also has a proud history. It has many important architectural traces, underlines Ringnes, who says he has a special fondness for the place.

– When I was growing up, I used to be here a lot, to ski down Drivenskleva. When we got up to Drivenstarnet, we could finally strap on our skis, he recalls.

– There are many restrictions on the building as it is a cultural monument. Are you afraid it will ruin your plans?

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– No, traditionally we have a good cooperation with the city antiques. The bottom line here is that the tower is the tower, so destroying it makes no sense, the investor says.

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City Council: – Submit the bid

Drivenstarnet is one of several municipal buildings now being sold. The million absorbent scar camp that Netavisen previously mentioned will also be sold. But whether the municipal tower will be given to Ringnes, the city council will not answer.

– The sale process handled by the Property and Urban Renewal Agency is ongoing. I recommend that everyone interested in the building submit a bid, Oslo City Councilor for Urban Development James Stowe Lorentzen (H) tells Nettavisen about reports to Ringnes.

– Let's see what the price will be later. But it's good to have interest and have someone have concrete plans to work on the building, he adds.

Figures requested by Netavisen from the Real Estate and Urban Renewal Agency show that Oslo Municipality has spent NOK 1.6 million on Drivenstarnet's operation over the past three years. In addition, the building's rental income totaled NOK 978,700.

– Investments are required to get DrivenStarnet up and running, as the tower is primarily built and functions as a technical installation. Our experience is that stakeholders take rehabilitation and development costs into account when submitting bids for municipally-sold properties, says Jørgen Lee Furuholt, communications consultant at the Real Estate and Urban Renewal Agency.

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He says many actors have expressed their interest in Drivenstarnet.

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– We will put this property on the open market in accordance with the sales instructions of the Municipality of Oslo. Furuholt says we plan to start advertising in early summer, with the caveat that unforeseen circumstances should arise that we can't yet map out.

Among other things, they are now working on creating conditions that will ensure public transport and access to the property in the future.

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Will the fireworks explode?

Besides Ringness, it is known that Alex Alexander, the illusionist who wants to buy Scar Lear, is also interested in the tower.

– This is where the world's best collaboration is. Alex Alexander and I are very good friends, but I didn't realize he was interested in the tower. Imagine the illusions and magic you can create here, Ringnes says wisely.

– When do you imagine the tower can be opened to the public?

– No reason to wait. I've become a bigger man and I want to see this while I'm still healthy and fast. From acquisition, he says, realistically it will take one to one-and-a-half years.

– So I expect there will be a big fireworks display at the opening?

– It's not down in the city. It is really in the jungle and you have to respect both animals and birds. It's a bit different because of Oslo Harbour, says Ringnes, who received rave reviews after his 70th birthday celebration with fireworks.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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