Ukrainian refugees: – – Do something now!

Ukrainian refugees: – – Do something now!

– Refugees are crossing borders wet and barefoot, so we need to do something now! Dag Inge Ulstein (KrF) tells Dagbladet.

Within a week of Russia occupying Ukraine, nearly 836,000 Ukrainians had crossed the border into neighboring countries, according to the UN. This is the number one fear that will increase drastically in the future.

KrF believes that the government must act quickly to obtain refugees for Norway and that we can not wait for meetings in the EU on the distribution of fleeing people before anything really happens.

Expect a sharp increase

On Monday, more than half of the 500,000 Ukrainians who had fled so far traveled to Poland. Thousands more lined up to cross the border there.

Members of both Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, as well as the European Union and NATO, have granted the status of safe havens to many Ukrainians affected by the war.

On Monday, there were more than 15,000 refugees Moldova crosses the borderOne of the poorest countries in Europe.

Long queues: Refugees from Ukraine line up to cross the Polish border at Medica in eastern Poland.  Photo: Vojtech Radwansky / AFP / NTB

Long queues: Refugees from Ukraine line up to cross the Polish border at Medica in eastern Poland. Photo: Vojtech Radwansky / AFP / NTB
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– The number of refugees will be very strong in the next few days, Ulstein says and continues:

– The international community and Norway have now begun significant sanctions and contributions with military equipment. We hope that the focus will be on the great humanitarian catastrophe that is now unfolding. Actions must be equally strong with unity.

Will be useful

On Sunday evening, Prime Minister Jonas Kahr Store said that Norway had now set aside two billion kroner to repair the humanitarian situation in Ukraine.

Billions in aid will go to alleviate the humanitarian situation and help the people who are fleeing.

– Support is flexible so that actors can plan for high-demand endeavors, said Foreign Minister Annigen Hoodfeld (Labor).

We accept our role in the refugee flow, and the Government is clear that Norway will cooperate with the EU on a common solution for the distribution of refugees, thus avoiding an unfair burden on a few countries.

The store made it clear that Norway should take its share, based on a “fair distribution” between European countries.

Stands ready

On Tuesday, Justice Minister Emily Enger Mehl said V.G. Norway will assist countries seeking Ukrainian refugees. He said work was underway to increase capacity, but could manage 1,000 refugees in a day’s notice without doing anything extraordinary.

Ulstein points out that we have several municipalities that have already stated their readiness to receive refugees from Ukraine, so there is no reason for refugees to sit back and wait for help when the international community agrees.

Wait: Dag Inge Ulstein (KrF) points out that while municipalities are ready to receive people, there is no reason for Norway to wait for clarification on the distribution of refugees.  Here from Medica on Monday.  Photo: Vojtech Radwansky / AFP / NTB

Wait: Dag Inge Ulstein (KrF) points out that while municipalities are ready to receive people, there is no reason for Norway to wait for clarification on the distribution of refugees. Here from Medica on Monday. Photo: Vojtech Radwansky / AFP / NTB
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– The Minister of Justice should take with us that we are ready here. We can not wait for the series of meetings in the EU. We have been in contact with many mayors who are waiting to get people fleeing, and it is not the case that refugees can “come”. They have already arrived, Ulstein says and continues:

– These children are entitled to school from day one, so all buttons must be pressed now. We need to start getting this machine ready as much as possible and the municipalities are ready. We have a great potential as a result of the small number of refugees who have come to Norway in recent years, and we can measure up quickly, says Ulstein.

KS, an organization of the municipal department, confirmed this earlier this week Class struggle There is a great desire to contribute to the municipalities of Norway.

– Many municipalities approach us with interest and willingness to receive refugees, said Nina Gran Glascombe, course chairperson with responsibility for coordination at Refugees and KS.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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