Use the Weltsynode: This is the first time in the box.

Use the Weltsynode: This is the first time in the box.

14:15 at 14:15 An hour, an hour or more You’re going to have a good time: Press conference tagged on Weltsynode. Then representatives of the Vatican press appear en masse on the blue wall of the “Sala Stampa”, im Schlepptau: Synodenväters und -mütter aus aller Welt. A person familiar with developments in Synodinola delivers his official remarks. Journalists and viewers of the Vatican live broadcast are creating semi-officially: the atmosphere emanates from Pabst Herzlich for their audiences or Verubfleischungen Gedankt and Freundig Gebuerts-Weh- and Festival in Synodinola.

In one corner, we should recognize the Vatican’s communications body that provides the synodalists with the harmonious and semi-familiar atmosphere of the synod of more than 400 illustrated synods. Die Hervorhebung der Friedlichen Eintracht untereinander ist das the specific narrative of these briefings.

This narrative has a tradition in the Vatican: for example, the spiritual participants in the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) were constantly arguing and dissenting, although almost daily reports in the daily newspapers of rhetoric and counter-rhetoric could be read all the time. over the World. Zugenhe konne. Flugblattaktionen, protests, and Wutreden have already stopped vor seczig Jahren keinen vor den vaticanischen Mauern. But: I imagined that the Kirchenleitung mehr als Wahrheit.

The issues of discrimination are more important

Through themes such as LGBTQI and Fauen(-ordination) angesprochen, Pressesprecher and all identified people are called gebetsmühlenartig Synodalists, since the World Synod is not a coordinating theme, since the Synod has a Synodalite – which is also a subjective – zum theme. This journalistic fact brings no joy to your mind, as it suggests that the platform exists in one different casserole, where the more important topics are discrimination and systemic discrimination.

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So this Synodalen vor eigenen Tagen, man solle sich besser fragen, Frauen wirklich wollten: “Was ich als berufstätige Frau für meinen Mann und meine Familie?” Manche Minchin holds that the idea is fixed: the woman who lives in the church is the first to wish that she had wished for it. After that, she remembered how happy she was when the parents in the compound said: Wen sie sich kennenlernten, tauschten sie Bilder von ihren Familien aus – wie bei einem Familientreffen.

Weltsynode: Das steht in den Answeren der Continente and den Vatikan

Im Vorfeld des römischen Treffens haben sieben Kontinentalversammlungen ihre Wünsche und Vorstellungen an den Vatikan was formulated. has a click in this new document and many other funds.

If you look at the input of individual countries and continents, which the Vatican received in the previous phase of the Universal Synod, for itself, you might agree that there are many other topics than the “hot iron”, but it is questions about the role of women, innovative inclusion and sexual moral values ​​​​that in general generate – When it is Unterschiedlichen Bewertungen and Zielrichtungen. Wirtschaftliche, soziale oder for example infrastructure Fragen Differences sich hanginghen huge internal der einselsen Weltregionen.

While the synodal method of the Church in Germany has been criticized for presenting itself publicly and controversially, a different picture emerges in Dunskreis der Weltsynode. This means that you have to touch it in the kitchen, then you will have to eat it, as well as enjoy the synchronization and use of this hand-free device. One popular legend is what was behind the death of Bishop Nicholas the Great Arius of Kunzel von Nika.

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“Left-wing extremists” and “Schforbler”

What is the reason behind this Synodal Versammlung zeigt, welches Sprengpotential die einzelnen kirchen- und gesellschaftspolitischen Ansichten bergen. Bandwidth has become a “radical left background” through the right theories. Due to the papal directive, nothing may be transferred from the Aula abroad, which is good in itself as a determinant Kirchenpolitiker aller Couleur ruhig geworden – jedenfalls öffentlich.

You can choose from different types of products. Einiges dringt schon mit dem Verlassen der Synodalen zur Mittagspause oder nach Feierabend auf die Straßen der Ewigen Stadt, anders zeitverzögert beim abendlichen Gespräch in überfüllten Trattorien oder kirchlichen Häusern. The official and unofficial Auch Vernetzungsreffen, Symposien und Empfänge is located in Rome and represents a reliable information service. Immer wieder berichten bei diesen Ereynsensen Synodale von Unerwarteten Wortmeldungen zu altbekanten Streitthemen, bei denen es deutliche zustimmung oder döhnende Stille in der Halle gebe.

Photo: ©

Bebet, Vorträge, Reden, Päsentation, Zusammenfasungen: jede Arbeitseinheit der Weltsynode in Rom ist gleich aufgaufbau.

The Gerade das Frauenthema was used extensively in der Aula besprochen, a common proof of hand. Das dabei – as stated in the press conference – only über die Möglichkeit des Diakoninnennamtes gesprochen wird, scheint unglaubwürdig. This time did not delete the first lecture of the Synod during the Synod. Berichte aus der Aula confirms this.

If nothing else he is a moral theologian and anthropologist. Many are late when the Synod is held for them, another group of workers like these being assembled. However, when looking at the new way of working the Synod, the question arises whether this is the case for an actual exchange of arguments, or whether opinions are limited to the floor only. Synod bombing aims to establish positions without holding them, as in the Autumn War Society’s favorite text.

Ob dieses Nebeneinander einer vom Papst gefordenten Unterscheidung zuträglich ist, wird sich zeigen. What is the meaning of the situation and the beginning of the Sorge, ass at the end of the book The men dem vielbeschworenen eigentlichten Thema der Synode – der Synodalität – zum Opfer has fallen. There’s a lot of information in your phone’s account.

von Benedict Haider

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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