Weltsynode zur Synodalität in Rome

Weltsynode zur Synodalität in Rome

Summary of 16. Ordentlichen Generalversammlung der Bischofssynode an das Volk Gottes

Liebe Schwestern, Liebe Brüder, am Ende der ersten Sitzung der 16. Ordentlichen Generalversammlung der Bischofssynode mostchten wir mit Ihnen allen Gott für die Gute and Rich Erfahrung danken, die wer grade gemacht haben. We are here to help you with the money you have in your home. Wirden von Ihren Gebeten getragen, haben Ihre expectations, therein und auch Ihre Angste mit uns getragen.

It has already been two years, since a long process of listening and understanding began, at the request of Pope Francis, in which the People of God were open and no one was left out, under the leadership of der Führung des Heiligen Geistes als Missionary Jünger in der Nachfolge Jesu Christi. “Zu Jihen.”

Voting rights also for non-bishops

Die Versammlung, die uns am 30. September zusammenführte in Rom, war eine important Etappe in diem Prozess. The vielerlei Hinsicht war is not a one-night stand and is not an everyday thing. For the first time, at the invitation of Pope Francis, men and women, by reason of their baptism, have been invited to sit at a table and participate not only in discussion, but also in voting at the Synod of Bishops. All over the world, holistic outreaches, charismatics and celebrities have trained extensively in pothos and other enrichment techniques. With this Gespräch method im Geist teilten wir hullly den Richtum and die Armut unserer Gemeinschaften auf allen Continenten und ver suchten zu erkennen, der Heilige Geist der Kirche heute sagen will. So we also want to support the Latino tradition and the Christian tradition in Austin. The participation of fraternal delegates from other churches and ecclesiastical communities has greatly enriched our discussions.

The indirect association is found in the back areas of a new global housing situation, where there have been scandals and illegal scandals in the area of ​​Herzen schmerzlich nachlangen and Unseren Beratungen one of the most wonderful schools, much more than the United States, in that area and others. We are betting on the killing and killing process so that it does not happen due to corruption and corruption resulting from the deterioration of immigration. We have seen the solidarity and commitment of women and men together as Baumeister for Gerechtigkeit and Frieden einsetzen.

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Silence – and alle hören

At the invitation of the Holy Father, we quietly made available an important room, um unter uns das respect Zuhören und den Wunsch nach Gemeinschaft im Geist zu fördern. While the ecumenical vigil was admirable, Dorset nach inheit represented the unwavering betrayal of Christ’s victory everywhere. Cruz is the only cathedral designed, living for the detailed helm of the world and the Jungle Dem Vater that overthrows, even “every eye” (John 17, 21). Strongly linked in der Hoffnung, die uns seine Auferstehung schenkt, haben wir ihm unser Gemesinames Haus vertraut, in der der Srei der Erde und der Srei der Armen immer trängender ertönen: “Laudate Deum” – woran uns Pope Franciskus gleich zu Beginning unserer Arbeit erettünte . Day after day we have heard the urgent call for pastoral and missionary conversion. When the Church finds it best, this Evangelium is in the church, it is not the same as the center, sondern is the place of the unendlichen Liebe stelt, with the help of Gott die Welt liebt (vgl. Joh 3,16).

After it was finished, it was sie von der Kirche anlässlich dieser Synode erwarten, antworteten einige Obdachlose, die nähe des Petersplatzes leben: “Love!” This love must always remain the burning heart of the Church, die trinitarische und eucharistische love, like Pope I October 15, in der Mitte unserer Versammlung, in seiner Botschaft der heiligen Therese vom Kinde Jesu erüppettte. It is “trust” that gives us the courage and inner freedom that we have experienced, without hesitation, our affinities and differences, our desires and questions, which we have expressed freely and humbly.

And you got it? Wir hoffen, that the months until the second session in October 2024 are all possible, concretely through der Dynamik der Missionaryischen Gemeinschaft teilzuhaben, auf die das Word “Synode” hinweist. This is not an ideology, but an experience rooted in the apostolic tradition. As the Pope said at the beginning of this process: “The community and the mission are in danger of remaining in danger if we do not bring in an ecclesiastical practice that expresses the realism of collegiality (…) and promotes true participation.” (October 9, 2021). The challenge is diverse and the questions are many: The session is open, the session is closed, the frame is opened and the frame is closed, and the content is open.

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There are many different types of items, so the car can be bidden all the time, which can be used in armrests. This requires from her the path of repentance, which is also the path of praise: “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hid the learned and the wise and revealed the unborn” (Luke 10:21). ! It’s too late, there’s a lot of people who live in the church, like in the past, or in the old days, in the church. It is painful, that the Zuzuhören humans, dying from racism in all its forms, live in a single region of the indigenous Völker, where culture is achieved. For all that the church does at the time of collapse, the nature of the work of the community is such that the members of the church, and their concrete and structural elements, are misunderstood, so it could not be more detrimental.

“Denjenigen Zuzuhören, die von der Church members, misuse, sich concrete and structural dafür einzusetten, dass sich etwas nicht wiederhardt”

The Church must also listen to the laity, both women and men, who have lost sin through their confession of the baptism of the Holy Spirit: the testimony of catechists, who in many cases are the first to proclaim the Gospel; Einfachheit und Lebendigkeit der Kinder, die Engeisterung der Jugendlichchen, ihre Fragen und ihre Rufe; This way of changing people, there is good news and good health. The Church must listen to the family, to the ihre erzieherischen Anliegen, and to the Christian witness it offers in today’s world. Stimmen should start heating, live in Laiendiensten or in Gemeinschaftlichen Gremien der Unterscheidung und Entscheidungsfindung Engageren Wollen.

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May God have mercy on you, the Church is praying for everyone to pray and pray for the rest of the world: this prayer, the prayer of the church, the sanctuary of God for the people who live in the city. Die Deacon, die durch ihren Dienst die Fürsorge der ganzen Kirche for die Schwächsten zum Ausdruck bring. She must also be one of the prophetic oracles who got life through her skin, as one of the most beautiful faces of magic is. And there must be many people who do not know that ihren Glauben do not learn, before they become Wahrheit such as and denen der Geist gegenwärtig und wirksam ist, der “allen die Möglichkeit gibt, auf die von Gottwollte Weise mit dem Ostergeheimnis verbonden zu sein” ( Gaudium et spec 22, 5).

“Die welt, in der wir leben und die zu lieben und ihr zu dienen zu dienen wir aufgerufen sind, auch in ihren Versprüchen, verlangt von der Church die Stärkung der Synergie in allen beerichen ihrer Dunung. It ist Genau der Weg der Synodalität, den Gott von der Kirche des dritten Jahrtausend erwartet” (Pope Francis, October 17, 2015).

We are here to help you, so you can stay in touch with each other. Die Jungfrau Maria, die First auf dem Weg, begleitet uns auf unserer Pilgerreise. In Freud and Leid zeigt sie uns ihren Sohn und lädt uns ein, ihm zu Trustren. He, Jesus, is unsere einzige Hoffnung!

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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