Wild Dog Attack: – I didn’t ask for this

Wild Dog Attack: – I didn’t ask for this

Jacqueline Durand (23) has her life turned upside down when she has to take care of a couple’s two dogs on a December day in 2021.

The 23-year-old from Texas in the US had barely reached the door when the dogs came running and attacking.

Durand is said to have been bitten more than 800 times, which left her with severe facial injuries.

Found four years later

Found four years later

Her nose, ear, lips, and parts of her cheek were torn off at the same time as the dogs dragged her across the hallway into the living room.

Destroyed face: The 23-year-old is now trying to look forward, despite major injuries.  Photo: Instagram screenshot

Destroyed face: The 23-year-old is now trying to look forward, despite major injuries. Photo: Instagram screenshot
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– Don’t ask about this

The 23-year-old lost 30 percent of all the blood in his body and had to be revived several times in the operating room. She has been described as having ever miraculously survived.

The young woman was placed in an artificial coma. When I finally woke up, the long road back to everyday life began.

Surprises: In the first episode of “Jørgine – Alone with the Herd”, Jørgine Massa Vasstrand tries to bond with dogs in a somewhat unusual way. Correspondent: Anita Christiansen. Video: Nora Schavog / Rod Looper, “Jurgen – Alone with the Herd” / TV 2.
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Durand has had a number of major operations to reconstruct her face, and on Instagram she shared several photos of what she looks like now.

– I didn’t ask for this, so I think it’s time to show my figure now, and I’m not afraid of it, you say CBS News.

race for this

race for this

The dogs were a German Shepherd and a Pit Bull, both mixed breeds.

Durand says she met the two dogs she took care of once before, and they must have acted friendly and sweet at the time.

Before: In 2021, Durand suffered life-threatening injuries — and his life was turned upside down.  Image: screenshot

Before: In 2021, Durand suffered life-threatening injuries — and his life was turned upside down. Image: screenshot
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Skin sagging from the face

But the second time something went wrong.

It took 37 minutes before Durand was finally rescued by the police and sent to the hospital.

— When I noticed my skin was hanging off my face, I thought I was going to die, she told CBS.

Mysterious congratulations: - We deceived

Mysterious congratulations: – We deceived

She underwent seven hours of surgery and was hospitalized for two months.

Now – 15 months after the attack – I’ve had a total of 18 operations to correct the injuries. To reconstruct the face, doctors took skin from other places on her body.

fox hunting: Nearly 20 hounds appear to have illegally captured a fox in Kent, England, on January 14. Video: Cameron. Reporter: Marth Teveter Jones.
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– There’s a long road to recovery, but I’m fine and moving on, like I mentioned earlier.

The 23-year-old also thanks his girlfriend, who has been a rock during the difficult period of illness.

28 to the hospital

28 to the hospital

In the aftermath of the dog attack, Durand sued the couple, seeking $1 million in damages, approximately NOK ten million.

Despite strong opposition from the dogs’ owners, a judge ruled in January last year that both dogs should be euthanized.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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