Your horoscope today: Saturday, September 2

Your horoscope today: Saturday, September 2


This is how your Saturday will be.

Aries 3/21-4/19

Saturday is all about getting out and discovering new areas. It can be a family outing or your own adventure. Unlike many other signs, Aries thrives in their own company, and sometimes you think it’s better to do things alone than with company.

Taurus 4/20-5/20

Saturday is all about the activities you love to do, whether it’s art, music, cooking or being in nature. Today you let your creativity flow freely and magic can happen. You feel unusually free now, as if a burden has been lifted from your shoulders and you can breathe easier.

Gemini 5/21-6/20

There is still a lot of emotional turmoil in your sign and you get angry very easily at the moment, but you make up for it quickly by becoming happy again. It can be a little difficult for some of your friends to handle your moods, so try to be open in communication.

Cancer 21/6-22/7

Saturday will be a fun and social day as you love to do things together, either with your family or friends. You think most things look fun right now, so it’s easy to get involved in different activities. It is very interesting for you to experience things that you have never done before.

Leo 23/7-22/8

Today you will have the opportunity to meet an old friend or family member again, and it will be a joyful meeting because you have not had the opportunity to meet often. There’s a lot to catch up on, especially when it comes to what happened in each other’s lives. The evening will be a little different, but fun.

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Virgo 8/23-9/22

During Saturday you come across valuable information by chance. You know this is too good to be true, but sometimes luck is on your side, and so are you today. Thanks to the new information, you may reconsider some of the decisions you made, and this will save you money.

Libra 9/23-10/22

Saturday is not about stress, it is also about devoting yourself to practical activities. This is the day when you can get your hands dirty with dirt or paint. During the day, a neighbor or acquaintance will make a rather sensational claim that will take you to bed for a bit.

Scorpio 10/23-11/21

It is useful to devote this Saturday to a hobby. You are both creative and free-thinking today, which means you can be inspired to achieve great things. Today you prefer being outdoors because you feel close to all the energies that surround you. The evening is about a long-lasting friendship.

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21

You really have trouble hearing. Even if you think you do, the truth is that you have a hard time concentrating when other people are talking. Your mind wanders easily, especially if the person is bored. This is something that is clearly felt today.

Capricorn 12/22-19/1

Today is the day when you meet with friends and enjoy a vacation. It can be a shopping trip in the city, a relaxing coffee and a walk, or a dinner at home. No matter what the day and night bring, it’s all about friendship and making time to be together.

Aquarius 1/20-2/18

Saturday will be a fun day as you combine a hobby with something practical. You are testing your skills and pushing the limits of what you can achieve. Today you get an appreciation of how you have evolved and changed quite a bit in recent years. The evening will be interesting and a little different.

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Pisces 2/19-3/20

Saturday will be fun and full of activity. You are full of ideas and feel the need to be active. No matter if you choose to challenge yourself physically or spend the day with more fun activities, it will be a fun day to discover new things about yourself. The evening offered good food and pleasant company.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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