Organized crime – – was about to destroy me

Organized crime - - was about to destroy me

Her gaze does not falter even when a tear is pressed forward in the corner of her eye.

What I wrote about was about to destroy me. Writing about organized child abuse has been a huge burden. It was very harsh.

Malin Stensønes dealt with organized crime in her work on the book ‘Shadow Hunt’. Here I also followed the E-track group of the Oslo police closely.

The Electronic Tracking Group follows electronic tracks in cases of sexual offenses against children.

To understand what the specialized police group is working on, she had to look at the evidence reviewed with her own eyes.

Exposing the child sexual exploitation network in Norway

– It’s so heartbreaking and sarcastic. The images are categorized in the star system where the star is images of young boys and not particularly sexual. Malin Steins says Five Stars is a hack for kids.

She fiddles with a handkerchief and picks up the tears that threaten to run down her cheek.

Stensønes called the police hunters’ chapter “superheroes in the attic”.

– That’s what they are. Super heros. Day in and day out, they sit down and go through picture by picture, says Stensønes.


“Shadow Hunt” is the third book in which Stensønes traces indoor environments from the inside. This time around, it gives readers a rare insight into the most secretive police departments and those who go after the toughest criminals. Those who threaten democracy itself. organized criminals.

As a result, she has taken several steps to make accessing herself less difficult.

Through his writings, Stensønes, like others, received threats against his person. Continuing with this book, she says she is confident the security measures are in place.

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Now she is making fun of organizations that kill journalists. without grumbling

One example is the murder of Dutch journalist Peter Rudolf de Vries when he was shot in the open street in Amsterdam this summer.

Characteristics: the author of the book "Gomorrah"Roberto Saviano, he was clearly tired of living with constant and real threats to his life when Dagbladet met him in Naples in 2008. Photo: Austin Norum Monsen/Dagbladet

Characteristics: Gomorra author Roberto Saviano was clearly tired of living with constant and real threats to his life when Dagbladet met him in Naples in 2008. Photo: Austin Norum Monsen/Dagbladet
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In 2008, Dagbladet met Roberto Saviano, the man who wrote the book “Gomora” about the Mafia in Naples. Then he lived with his bodyguards and slept in the police station. Fourteen years later, Saviano still lives under police protection.

When I write, I take a calculated risk of writing about closed environments for the police because they work against others who don’t want attention. Stensønes says if criminal environments grow strong, it threatens openness, trust and everything we love and should preserve with our community.


The author was able to follow the operations directly from the KK room to Krepos. KK is an acronym for Police Communications Control. Stensønes followed cases from selection, participated in arrests and was allowed to pursue things in case of questioning. The result is important insight for those of us who wield the greatest authority over the fate and lives of others.

In the book, she discusses the Kribos “Operation Hebris” initiative that it has followed since the investigation began.

Here, Danish drug smugglers chase from Krepos in Trysil

Here, Danish drug smugglers chase from Krepos in Trysil

Dagbladet and many other newspapers have reported many of the operations of Hubris, but in the book the reader gets a comprehensive understanding of what the police are doing at any given time.

The Danish man, who was eventually arrested and sentenced to 16 years in prison, is one of the main characters.

Stensønes shows the scope of the man’s activities. On the other hand, the Dane seems to be a steady family man and a real estate developer. On the other side of the man appears one of the most active drug smugglers in the history of Norway.

– When he was arrested he had brochures as a real estate agent. It’s done, says Stensønes.

Shadow hunting

Malin Stensønes has a past as a consultant in the Ministry of Defense and two terms as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Norwegian Defense Research Foundation (FFI). She has worked for decades with Social Security, emergency preparedness, security policy, and defense policy and remembers this as part of why she chose to focus on the difficult topics in the book.

20211108: Malin Stensønes wrote the book & #34;  Shadow Hunt & # 34;  It approached the police's most secretive tactics in fighting organized crime.  Photo: Austin Norum Monsen/Dagbladet

20211108: Malin Stensønes writes “Shadow Hunt” in which she approaches the police’s most secretive tactics in the fight against organized crime. Photo: Austin Norum Monsen/Dagbladet
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The United Nations says organized crime is the biggest threat to security. It has a foothold in all countries, it is a multibillion dollar industry, and while we talk about globalization and how important it is with international cooperation, criminals are already fully globalized. They move smoothly across the border.

She believes it is difficult for the police to investigate and for journalists to follow up.

Organized crime thrives best in the shadows, between the black and white economies. What angers me, says Stines, are the attacks on our democracy.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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