Debate, Personal Finance | Spend some time on the economy

Debate, Personal Finance |  Spend some time on the economy

opinions This is the topic of discussion. The publication expresses the views of the author.

Christmas cuts into space Footsteps themselves to many. Christmas is full of energy and calm at the same time. There is often room to reflect on the past year and plan for the coming year. In December, the pace picks up slowly but surely on Christmas Eve.

Crowded malls, tired and tired kids, high expectations, and adults freak out about shopping for last minute gifts.

During Christmas, 62 percent of us feel a lot of pressure to buy. 40 percent of us bought more expensive Christmas gifts than we had planned. Then the silence of Christmas in the room can be a little more demanding if you sit back and feel that Christmas was more precious than you thought.

Do you know yourself repeatedly? Then the best gift for yourself will be to take the time to plan your own finances for the New Year. A busy year is behind us, prices have gone up, electricity has become more expensive, fuel prices have gone up and down, and interest rates have gone up. This affects the finances of the vast majority of us.

For many, perhaps the biggest challenge is knowing where to start, when it comes to getting an overview and control of your finances.

Good daily economy It is about good planning and the ability to execute. Prepare budget and work according to plan. That way, we both use it and get rid of it as little as possible. We should also be critical of what we already include in our budgets.

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it’s the truth That there are many stalls and cupboards filled with what used to be a good idea. There is a good solution to the economy and lack of space in the shed. Set aside a few hours to explore the stalls and lockers. What do I have? Not least, what do I have that I don’t need, that someone else could use?

Take the opportunity to give up, sell or trade. Instead of buying new gear the next time you go on a trip, maybe you should Check out Bua first? It’s free, efficient, environmentally friendly and takes up no booth space. You also don’t have to buy a new one when your little one gets bigger.

part of the control On the economy is also tax control. As you enter the new year, the IRS will issue you a new tax card for the coming year. It is important to validate your tax return, both in the new year and throughout the year.

Paying too much tax isn’t good for you, as the money could have been saved in a savings account with a better interest rate than what the tax office is offering. Paying too little taxes leads to an unpleasant surprise with back taxes the following year, and repayment demands.

The buffer is important A safety net in everyday life, because unexpected expenses may arise and because prices for goods and services are unstable. If you have money saved at varying rates and unexpected expenses, you are well prepared and can reduce your financial burden.

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How much you need in a savings account depends on your life situation. For a student who rents, NOK 5,000 will suffice. For a couple with a home, a car, and kids, things like brackets, a broken refrigerator, or suddenly more expensive electricity and petrol are much more expensive. Then you must have NOK 30,000 and above.

It may seem like a lot of money now, but if you can handle your money and set specific savings goals, you will be able to do it.

I hope that Some of these financial measures can give you a little better control over your daily financial life. It was a content rich year. The new year will present new and exciting challenges. Either way, the best investment you can make for 2023 will be taking control of your money.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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