A room full of light and miracles and the spirit of Jesus to heaven

A room full of light and miracles and the spirit of Jesus to heaven

Our Lady assumed the painting of Tiziano

Catholics all over the world celebrate on August 15 The Day of the Ascension of Mary. Or, as it is known, the festival “Santa Maria”. In many countries or cities, the date is a public holiday. This theory suggests that Mary ascended body and soul to heaven.

We should not confuse the “Ascension of Jesus” and “The Ascension of Mary.” The difference is that Jesus ascended to heaven by the omnipotence of his divinity, because as true God and real man, he ascended to sit at the right hand of God the Father. exactly the contrary, The Virgin Mary ascended to heaven Because God did not allow the body in that womb to deteriorate as His Son Jesus decided to incarnate. Therefore, she was considered a heavenly body and soul by God’s will and power.

Assumption of Our Lady, the work of Tintoretto

This holiday is common to Catholics and Orthodox, but with slight differences. For Catholics, it is a “doctrine of faith.”. What is the theory? According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, doctrines are “the immutable foundation of all Catholic faith, and every Catholic is called to adhere to doctrines, accept them, and believe in them irrevocably.” Catholics are obligated to believe in their belief, and the number of basic dogmas is 44. They are divided into 8 different categories: teachings about God, about Jesus Christ, about the creation of the world, about man, about the teachings of Marianne, about the Pope and the church, about the sacraments, and about the last things.

This is the doctrine of the Ascension of Mary This is the last doctrine established by the Catholic Church. It was painted by Pope Pius XII, and ends with the curse: “Therefore, if anyone dares to deny or voluntarily question what God does not allow, what we know, we know he has broken completely from the Catholic faith.”

Pope Pius XII wrote the Doctrine of the Assumption of the Virgin on November 1, 1950.
Pope Pius XII wrote the Doctrine of the Assumption of the Virgin on November 1, 1950.

In 1849 came the first answers to the questions posed by the Holy See on behalf of the bishops around the world, and thus the Ascension was proclaimed a faith doctrine. Pope Pius XII consulted the bishops again in 1946 with the letter “Deiparae Virginis Mariae,” the concept and response to this principle was almost unanimous: Only six out of 1181 responses expressed any reservations about disclosing this fact.

On November 1, 1950, the Apostolic Constitution “Munificentissimus Deus” was published, in which the Pope, based on the tradition of the Catholic Church and the faith of the faithful led by their pastors, took into account the testimony of the liturgy. With the testimony of the Fathers of the Church and doctors, and the consensus of the bishops of the world, He preached the assumption of the Virgin Mary as a doctrine of faith.

Assumption of Our Lady, in Robbins ed.
Assumption of Our Lady, in Robbins ed.

Its text reads as follows: “…Therefore we have repeatedly raised our prayers to God, in honor of Almighty God, who granted the Virgin Mary his special mercy in honor of the Son of the Virgin Mary., the immortal King of the ages and the conqueror of sin and death, to increase the glory of the soul of the Holy Mother, by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, And by the authority of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, the joy and happiness of both Peter and Paul, the whole Church., we proclaim, proclaim and know as a doctrine inspired by God: The Immaculate Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, completed the course of her earthly life, and was considered body and soul in heavenly glory.

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If we read the text of the theory carefully, He is not mentioned anywhere “after his death” or “after his death”. It just states the output as: Having completed the course of his earthly life, Consider her body and soul the heavenly glory.

Pope John Paul II in Peter's Square.  In 1997, he explained the doctrine of the Assumption of Our Lady (AP) to believers.
Pope John Paul II in Peter’s Square. In 1997, he explained the doctrine of the Assumption of Our Lady (AP) to believers.

Wednesday 2 July 1997 Pope John Paul II explained this to believers in his letter They gathered in Peter’s Square. In this confusing passage, he offers some clarification: “When Pius XII defined the doctrine of the Assumption, Pius XII does not want to use the word ‘resurrection’ and does not consider the question of the Virgin’s death a fact of faith. … Bull Munificentissimus Deus confirms the ascension of Mary’s body to heavenly glory, It is a doctrine that I proclaimed, and then a long meditation on the fate of Mary in the afterlife was formed, which led to a few believers.By little by little, to believe in the glorious Ascension of the Mother of Jesus, in soul and body, and in liturgical celebrations such as the Dormition of the Virgin and the Assumption of Mary in the institution in the East.. ., just as the glorious resurrection of Christ was the essential and last heroic part of this victory, The struggle for the Blessed Virgin, together with her Son, ends with the glorification of her Virgin Body.

Assumption of Our Lady, work by Nicolas Poussin
Assumption of Our Lady, work by Nicolas Poussin

In some Orthodox churches, the tradition says on this date: “The Virgin Mary prayed on Mount Eleon near Jerusalem. Archangel Gabriel appeared to her with a palm branch from heaven in her hands and told her that within three days her earthly life would end and the Lord would take her with him. At that time, the Lord arranged for the apostles from different countries to meet in Jerusalem. At the moment of death, an unusual light illuminated the room in which the Virgin Mary lay. Jesus Christ himself appeared surrounded by angels and took his purest soul. The apostles buried the purest body of the Mother of God, according to her will, in the cave where the bodies of her parents and Saint Joseph were found, in the Grove of Gethsemane, at the foot of Mount Ilion. Many miracles occurred during the funeral. By touching the bed of the Mother of God, sight was restored to the blind, and demons were expelled and every disease healed. Three days after the burial of the Mother of God, the apostle Thomas could not arrive in time and reached Jerusalem. He was deeply saddened by his inability to bid farewell to the Virgin Mary, and expressed his desire to worship her purer bodies with all his soul. When the cave where the Virgin Mary was buried was opened, her body was not found, only the burial cloth. The stunned messengers returned to their abode. At dusk, while they were praying, they heard an angel singing, and looked up. They saw the Virgin Mary hanging in the air, surrounded by angels and covered in the splendor of heavenly glory. And she said to the apostles: “Rejoice! I want to be with you. Every day!”

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As we see, the feast is the same in the Church in the West and in the East, with slight differences. This celebration went so deep in America that it may seem strange, but it was due to climate problems. Since it is winter in North America, going to church is not a big deal. Then, The capital of Paraguay is Asuncion, so named because it was founded on August 15, 1537. It is a public holiday, and on that day the image of the Virgin is removed from the national pantheon and taken to the cathedral, where festivities and festivities are held. The Oruro department in Bolivia also has saint patron festivals.

The celebration of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Asuncion del Paraguay, a city founded on August 15, 1537, bears this name in honor of the creed.
The celebration of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Asuncion del Paraguay, a city founded on August 15, 1537, bears this name in honor of the creed.

But The movie “Ferracosta” begins on this date in Italy I conclude in Latin, which means “Feria Augusti”: the feasts of Augusto. It is the time of a pagan festival established by Emperor Augustus in 18 BC In the same month she joined some old festivals to celebrate the end of agricultural work. All free and slaves had a holiday. This custom continues to this day as a traditional summer holiday. Because of the severity of the heat wave, Italians flee cities in search of beaches, lakes, and mountains.

On the other hand, the festival in Spain is more appropriate in cities such as Elche, Molina de Segura, Palma de Mallorca and the processions in Seville. is being In the city of Elche in Alicante, an event that has been declared “historical and touristic significance” is taking place.. On May 18, 2001, it was declared “Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO.

The Basilica of Santa Maria de Elche in Spain is a representation of the sacred religious drama based on songs that recreate the Dormition and the ascension and coronation of the Virgin Mary. "The global heritage" by UNESCO
A representation of a religious drama based on sacred songs that reenacts the Dormition, Transmission and Coronation of Our Lady in the Basilica of Santa Maria de Elche in Spain, which is considered a “World Heritage Site” by UNESCO.

event said Representation of a religious drama based on a psalm that recreates the assumption, transition and coronation of the Virgin Mary It is held inside the church of Santa Maria delsey. Work began in the city in the middle of the fifteenth century. The cast had to be all men, as the appearance of women in this type of acting was prohibited in the Middle Ages. Today, this control is maintained through tradition.

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As we can see, this Catholic and Orthodox holiday has different sides and is celebrated in different ways throughout the Christian world. But everyone wants to celebrate: what is celebrated is the victory of life over death.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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