A storm will blow in the south now

A storm will blow in the south now

On Thursday, a strong low pressure area is expected to move in from the west.

A low pressure system will develop in the southwest Thursday afternoon and then move up the coast and inland. Meteorologists.

Wind gusts of up to 30 meters per second may occur in exposed areas.

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Large amounts of snow are expected in western Norway

Heavy snow is expected in western Norway on Tuesday evening. The yellow warning will remain in place until Wednesday morning.

This warning applies to Hordaland and Rogaland regions. Locally, it can range from 5 to 15 centimeters in the outer regions. 15 to 25 centimeters of snow is expected in inland areas. In the mountains, there may still be, he writes Meteorologists.

– Severe weather is likely throughout the evening, says Bente Wall, who is on duty at the Meteorological Centre Bergen Newspaper.

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He says snow will come and go in Bergen throughout the day in localized showers, but it will taper off by midnight.

– He says it should be over by Tuesday evening and not much rain after midnight.

Also, meteorologists recommend protecting vulnerable installations and materials that cannot withstand the expected amount of snow.

– Calculate extra time for traffic and driving. They say use the right tires and drive according to the conditions.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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