Alexandra Joner, Apartment | Alexandra Joner lives in an “empty” apartment: – unable to afford furniture

Alexandra Joner, Apartment |  Alexandra Joner lives in an “empty” apartment: – unable to afford furniture

This year has brought big changes for Alexandra Joner (33). In March, it emerged that she and investor Runer Vadne, 49, had split after ten years together and gone their separate ways, with the TV profile moving on shortly after the split.

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Jonah has been living a hectic single life in recent months, filling his days with trips, parties and friends. This fall will be a busy one for Joner, who these days is featured in two TV 2 shows, “Blockers” and “Shall We Dance.”

The 33-year-old’s life often ends with a bag, and he spends very little time in his apartment – which, by the way, is empty without furniture.

Eating on the ground

In May, Joner revealed that he had moved out and was looking forward to decorating and creating a new home. According to documents to which Nettavisen had access, the 33-year-old lives in a 76 square meter apartment in St. Hanshaugen.

He spent NOK 6.7 million on the house last year, but his apartment is mostly empty – months after moving in.

Also read: Alexandra Joner spent millions on an apartment

When Netavisen met her in connection with the “Bloggers” press conference, she was able to say that she did not have time to put furniture in the new apartment, because she had completely different priorities this summer:

– I wanted to have fun, so I prioritized spending my money. And then I couldn’t have fun except buying furniture, so I became furniture-less, she continued:

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– So it was a priority for me. When you break up you end up in survival mode.

Since taking office, Joner has shared footage of the apartment on social media, including one where he eats his food on the floor. Recently, his mother said the apartment was empty of furniture and echoed.

– I have a bed, a sofa and a coffee table, but I don’t have everything else you need in an apartment. So we can live on the couch or the floor eating dinner for a little while longer, and it’s going well, he says with a smile.

I don’t like living alone

However, the Oslo apartment won’t be empty for long, the 33-year-old assures. He has given himself a deadline to finish furnishing the flat and build a house of his own. But that’s not all.

– Now I have given a deadline until Christmas. It took a long time to figure out what style I wanted and whether I wanted to decorate like I was going to live there permanently or like I was going away next year.

According to the TV profile, making long-term choices was sometimes overwhelming when she didn’t know what the future held. But she, after all, promised to get a grip on it by the end of the year.

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Plus, Joner admits that living alone is a big upheaval. She doesn’t hide that she’s a social person who doesn’t enjoy being alone, which is why she’s had a lot of visits from friends in recent months.

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Before too long, autumn will be knocking on the door and she realizes that she will have to invest some more time alone in the future.

– It will be a wonderful autumn. In the dark, alone and abandoned, she would say and laugh.

Live in a bag

Autumn, on the other hand, may not be as “lonely” as Joner imagined. Earlier this month, it was announced that she will be dancing on the floor in the 19th season of “Shall We Dance.”

Joner has many balls in the air during the day. In addition to the dance show, Joner currently works as a radio host on P5’s “Frokostshowet” with Niklas Silseth Farley (34) and Stien Roste (36).

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These days, the 33-year-old spends most of her time at the Dance Center in Oslo, and she makes no secret of the fact that everyday life is a bit chaotic.

– I take my bag and leave home at 05:00 AM and live in that bag till I come home late in the evening. Now it’s a total mess, but it’s nice and comfortable.

Joner jokes that if the busy lifestyle continues for too long, a breakup is inevitable, but insists that she also enjoys a busy day-to-day life.

– I hope I don’t have a “meltdown”, but if I stay like this for too long, it’s only a matter of time.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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