Around the country, Consumer | Menu, spar and bottom price dump soft drink price: – Swedish terms

Around the country, Consumer |  Menu, spar and bottom price dump soft drink price: – Swedish terms

(The newspaper online): Spar, Meny and Bunnpris currently have a market of ten and twenty crowns, which means two cans of soft drink are very affordable.

All three chains sell two cans of soda for just ten. But the type of soda varies and the size varies.

It is of great importance for the amount of savings.

Deals are the best in Spar og Meny. With both, you get two 0.33-liter cans of soda for just ten.

  • At Spar, this applies to Coca-Cola, Fanta or Urge, both the original variants and those without sugar.
  • On Meny, this applies to free Pepsi Max, Solo Super, and Seven Up.

Svinesund beats

This means that the offer at Spar og Meny has run out of cheap soft drinks in Sweden.

If you buy two cans of soft drinks at Maximat in Svinesund, you have to pay SEK 19.80 or NOK 19.19. Almost twice the price.

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And even if you bought an entire can of soda in Sweden, you’re probably making a bad purchase right now.

– What many people forget when buying soft drinks in Sweden is that you also have to pay a deposit. Trond Blindheim says that rarely does everyone take the deposit back to Sweden with them every time.

Soft drink prices in Norway and Sweden

He teaches Marketing Communication and Consumer Behavior at Christiania University College.

Today, Maxi Food in Svinesund sells a tray with 30 cans of Coca-Cola for 129 SEK. If you include the deposit, the price per liter is higher than what you now have to pay here at home, if you bought two cans for a tenner.

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– Soda is something you know Swedish stores are attracted to, too. Blindheim says the fact that chains are investing heavily in soft drinks in these three-crore markets may be limiting Swedish trade.

He receives support from grocery expert Odd Gisholt.

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– For the chains, part of the purpose is probably to keep Norwegian customers in the country. With such an offer, they say, “there is no point in going to the Swedish trade,” says Odd Gisholt.

Gisholt has followed the Norwegian grocery industry for a number of years and was previously a Director at the Norwegian Goods School and a College Lecturer at BI.

Small chests at Bunnpris

Bunnpris also has a Tinner Market and sells two cans of soda for the price of one Tinner. But these are 0.25 liter cans. This means that the presentation is much worse.

In Meny og Spar: NOK 15.15 per litre.

At Bunnpris: NOK 20 per litre.

– People do not have time to compare offers in all stores, so when they come to the store and see that there are two boxes of a drug, they think it must be a good price, says Trond Blindheim.

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But there is little to suggest that smaller funds are slowing sales at Bunnpris. When she visited Nettavisen earlier this week, she was nearly sold out of a can of soda.

— based on the sales that we have, we feel it’s competitive, yeah. But maybe we could have sold a little more at 0.33, it’s normal, says Bunnpris category manager Geir Haugnæss.

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Young people are interested in it

Spar and Meny both have a wide range of products included in the show campaign, but soft drinks have a central place in their marketing. Gisholt thinks it’s no accident.

Soda is an important product for many. We Norwegians like soft drinks, with or without sugar. Young people in particular are concerned about this, says Gesholt.

Blindheim thinks it’s important to note that there are reasons to have such offers in stores.

– This is a temptation to attract people to the store. Grocery chains know that if people enter the store for the first time, they tend to take more with them. Blindheim says there is a lot of impulse buying.

– Earnings can go up in spinning

– If you only buy items that are shown, you can save very little. But if you also put the products at full price in the basket, the winnings will go up in yarn. Gisholt says stores with a Rs 3 crore market are usually not the cheapest.

Stores understand that campaigns like 3 crore marketing work.

Stores deal with what we call category management in technical language. They constantly measure turnover to check how much and how quickly the merchandise is selling. They want to make sure that advertising works, and that’s pure science.

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– We were able to get an offer of two soft drinks for NOK 10 thanks to the good cooperation between our suppliers and dealers, says Anna Käpler, communications consultant at Spar.

She says the three-crore markets are popular and bring good traffic to the stores.

– Reducing Swedish trade is not our main focus, but we want our customers to shop as locally as possible to support their local merchant, says Kappler.

Spar assures that most customers take not only sale items with them, but also regular price items.

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Minnie doesn’t want to comment on how they lowered the price of soft drinks and whether they make money with the lower price.

– For competitive reasons, we are unable to comment on this, says Nina Henn, Head of Communications at Meny.

She says interest in the 10-20 crown market is high.

– Is it a point for you to slow down Swedish trade?

– We want to get attractive offers on popular goods. In the 10 and 20 kroner market, we have many everyday products, such as vegetables, cold cuts and yoghurt, but also dinner products. In addition, we have some popular convenience products such as soft drinks and potato chips, says Hynne.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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