Chokne – – Grows hair completely

Chokne – – Grows hair completely

SØGNE (DAGBLADET): – Now is the time to look ahead. A mission to disband Christiansand would require an incredible amount of evidence from municipal employees, who could use it for other purposes, said Trond M, president of the Christiansand Business Association. Says Baker.

There has been a storm surrounding the possibility of the dissolution of Christiansand, the new large municipality. The case divides the Labor Party and the local team openly states that they are cursed.

– Thinking about the future of children

On Monday afternoon, Minister of Local Government and District Chikporn Jelswick (SP) was at the center of the controversy. In Tangwall Square, he met a large group of activists who wanted to stop the dissolution process.

– Stop the process. Listen to what we have to say in Chokney. We do not want a new referendum, ”said Asbjørn Sørfonden, leader of the FolkAx region, to Søgne in Kristiansand.

– says Dor Marius Marcussen, the father of small children who I think is the future of my children, who started the sister activity in the former neighboring municipality of Sondelon.

Inside the old town hall, Gjelsvik met with representatives of the business community in the municipality, who unanimously expressed their concerns about the referendum and the dissolution process.


They worry that this will create uncertainty about the future and believe it is time to look forward. They say they need forecast.

– We have spent time building a strong municipality and building foresight for the business community, and then you suddenly have to turn upside down. If you have made a mistake once before, it will not help you to make a new mistake, says business manager Trond M. Baker goes on to say:

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Activist: Asbjørn Sørfonden is the leader of Folkeaksjonen Ja til Søgne in Christianchand, which is now bigger on Facebook than separatists.  Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB

Activist: Asbjørn Sørfonden is the leader of Folkeaksjonen Ja til Søgne in Christianchand, which is now bigger on Facebook than separatists. Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB
See also

– We are going to take some important steps in the future. Then we need a strong regional capital. It is very important to resolve this very quickly.

The Minister of Local Government and District Affairs says he is listening to the views of various parties.

– I have full respect for the fact that you have different perspectives here and that you want to present the perspective you have, says Gjelsvik.

– Grows hair completely

While it is the group of people who demanded the referendum and secession that has attracted the most attention so far, now their outspoken opposition is flying in the air. The executive committee that owns Søgne on Kristiansand now has more members on Facebook than rivals.

This week, a similar organization will be set up in the former Sangdalen municipality. The founder was Dor Marius Marcussen, a former Conservative politician.

– How a minister and the government did this is totally hair-raising. They call it local democracy, but they do not listen to the local democracy we elect every four years, says Marcussen.

Local Government Minister Chikporn Gijelswick held a meeting with the mayor and staff at the town hall in Christiansand. Municipal Director Camila Duncet talks about the great concern among the staff.

– There are many employees who are frustrated and many employees who question the future. I have received many emails from frustrated employees. After all, this is uncertain. “I have conveyed that concern to the Minister today,” Duncet told Dagblatt.

Setting the pace

She had previously explained how she sleeps badly at night because of the case.

– I use a lot of energy and worry a little bit about the future, says the municipal director.

The Minister of Home Affairs says he is currently ready to expedite the process, which will last until 2028 as of today. He hopes to be able to complete it in two or three years now.

– The government is not saying that it is necessary to do so. It can be done fast. If there is a local option to carry out a process faster than that we will make it easier, says Gijelswick.

The Minister of Local Government says he appreciates that Greater Christianchand is not in the referendum on dissolution.

– If it does not divide the majority, the process is over, says Gjelsvik.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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