– Elon is what we are not – Genius – VG

– Elon is what we are not – Genius – VG
Musk Friends: Publisher Erling Kagge, Bellona Director Frederic Hauge, and Christian Eidem enjoyed a beer after beer with Elon Musk.

STAVANGER (VG/E24) Frederic Hauge, Bellona leader and publisher Erling Kage, was among the select few who met their friend Elon Musk face-to-face on Monday.


In fact, there were four, because Musk’s close friend, Christian Edem, was also there.

He is one of the three who know Mask best.

We studied together at Wharton at the University of Pennsylvania, and wrote our thesis together, says Edem.

– About what?

About the default search engine www which should be widely known to everyone. Unfortunately, it was Google that came first, says Edam.

Tesla founder Elon Musk at the opening of Offshore Northern Seas in Stavanger

– Managed to fix a few beers

On Monday afternoon, the press stood outside and waited for hours for the world’s richest man to come out after the opening of the Stavanger oil fair.

But Musk did not come. He had several meetings with a few select people he had chosen.

Three of them are the exotic three-leaf clover Hauge, Kagge and Eidem. They were invited to Musk’s hotel room on the sixth floor of the Clarion Hotel Energy in Stavanger, next to the giant exhibition area outside central Stavanger.

It was 4:30 in the afternoon.

They came back two hours later, laughing.

– We managed to fix some beers, so it was very nice. We mostly talked about dirty things, about football and other things about boys, says Hauge.

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Genius: Erling Kaji says there is only one thing that separates them from Musk. – He’s a genius.

Bottom surface with musk

Musk has been known for many years. He was one of those who, in the birth of Tesla, saw the potential in the American electric car. Hauge gets the first Tesla Roadster to come to Europe.

Since then he has remained close to the company and developed a good relationship with Musk.

When Musk was present during the oil show in 2014, Musk spent an entire evening below deck on the schooner Bellona, ​​with Hauge.

Adventurer and publisher Erling Kagge says he met Musk 12 years ago.

– He was on vacation in the Caribbean. We became good friends and have been in touch ever since. Those of us who have gotten to know him a little bit know that he is a completely ordinary, kind and funny person. Kaji says Elon is what we are not, he is a genius.

A global leader in three markets

Elon Musk has done something that only a few people have succeeded in:

To be a global leader in three global markets:

With Tesla, he took a leading position in the development of electric cars, was the founder of the payment service Paypal, and through his project SpaceX revolutionized the space industry in the world.

When it was at its most extreme associated with starting SpaceX, along with the huge costs associated with Tesla, it was on the verge of bankruptcy.

Not many years ago.

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Today he is the richest man in the world, by one Assets estimated at 2,400 billion NOKa quarter of the Norwegian Oil Fund and more money than the Norwegian state budget.

When Elon Musk arrived at ONS in Stavanger on Monday.

Sneak out of the back road

He’s so rich that he can buy most things, including Twitter, which is still fighting a legal battle over acquisitions.

– Have you discussed the climate, though?

“It was mostly just sobering and hilarious, as we talked about everything between heaven and earth,” says Kag.

It’s rare for the term to be more appropriate, says Hauge.

– I updated it on Their investment in the battery in Arendal?

– He knows batteries much better than I do and receives thousands of inputs about this technology. But he was interested and there are few others that I find more exciting to discuss battery chemistry with, smiles the Bellona manager.

The press, who has been standing outside the hotel since early this afternoon, was deceived by Musk. They received no comment after the meeting.

Just before 1930, he crept up to the back.

The trip eventually returns to the United States, where Edem and Mask together go to the Burning Man Festival.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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