Energy Norge warns against maximum price for electricity

According to Energy Norge, high prices could lead to significant energy shortages in Norway and halt green change.

Low sun behind thin clouds over high voltage masts at Northmarka in Nittal.
Photo: Paul Clevan / NTB

The maximum price for electricity was broadcast by Frp, Rødt and SV, but the interest and employer organization Energi Norge warns against it, Klassekampen writes.

– Introducing maximum prices is the best way to turn the electricity price crisis into a real energy crisis, says Tony Lowset, director of markets, customers and electrification at Energy Norway.

– The cost of different power generation will vary depending on the weather, time of year and form of energy. A fixed maximum price, for example, 35 re, would be unprofitable for power generators to supply electricity when the cost of production is higher than the maximum price set by politicians. The result may be a lack of power. Theoretically, simply obscure, Løvseth says.

Magnus Marsdal, chairman of the Manifesto’s think tank, reacts to Norway’s analysis of energy.

– It’s really a scam if the directors in the power sector threaten to stop supplying our own electricity together, Marstel says.

The maximum price cannot be introduced

The government has introduced a support scheme for electricity, which is expected to cost NOK 8.9 billion, but has previously refused to intervene in the market with the maximum price for electricity. In December Rejected Maximum price in a letter to the Minister of Petroleum and Energy Sporting.

“Price control is an intrusive measure that can have unintended consequences,” he said. Wrote Marte Mjøs Persen.

The question about the maximum price came from Sophie Marhock (red), another vice chair on Sorting’s Energy and Environment team. Wondered Can the government introduce a maximum price for electricity? Law on pricing activities After a period of high electricity prices went up.

Social companies proposed the maximum price

In December, Samfunnsbedriftene also proposed a maximum price for electricity, confirming the legitimacy of energy and climate policy. The employer and interest system refers to 540 municipal owned companies. These include 160 companies in the energy sector, including several small and medium-sized grid companies.

– We propose that there should be a fixed maximum price for electricity for homes for sober consumption. You can be sure you can buy electricity, said Sicily Pigeland, director of energy at Samfunnsbedriftene for E24 in December.

– People need confidence to implement big and ambitious goals for electrification and green change. If people do not think this change will deal with their money, politicians will not get them with them, Bijland said.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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