– Good to come home – Viji

– Good to come home – Viji
Dismissed: One of the Norwegians who landed in Gardarmon on Saturday morning by Derje Water.

A plane with Norwegian citizens returning home from Afghanistan landed in Norway early Saturday morning. Among them was Derje Water, who was grateful to be in Norway.


Derje Waterdall, director of the Afghanistan Committee, was one of the passengers on the plane that landed in Gardarmon on Saturday morning. He tells VG that he is happy to be home.

– I feel so blessed to be leaving Kabul, it is good to be home.

But the director says the departure is sad and he is determined to return in September.

– It is very sad to leave the remaining friends and colleagues in Kabul. I will be back soon, Watertall says.

Viji had been in contact with Waterdale earlier this week. Then he said about it Exciting and failed evacuation attempt on Tuesday. He called it an “absolutely impossible situation.”

On Saturday morning, the Foreign Ministry confirmed that a plane with Norwegian citizens from Kabul had landed in Gardarmon.

– We can confirm that a plane landed in Oslo this morning. “The planes carrying Norwegian planes include Norwegian citizens, citizens of other countries and our own Afghans working locally,” spokesman Rockhill Holland told Siemenstad Viji.

Siemenstad says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not provide detailed information about passengers on the flights for privacy and security purposes.

– We do not go out with details of how many people were evicted. I have no overview of how many passengers stayed on the plane, he says.

See also  Norwegian cohabiting couple report high temperatures during heat wave in Turkey

It was N.R.K. The case was first mentioned.

This week the plane was the third plane to land in Norway with the evacuees.

On Friday morning, a second plane landed With Norwegian citizens from Kabul. Passengers include TV2’s Frederick Kroswick, NRK’s ​​Middle East correspondent Yama Volosmal and Kaisa Marcus.

A plane landed Wednesday morning Copenhagen with 14 Norwegians expelled from Afghanistan.

14 Norwegians and one person living legally in Denmark were deported from Afghanistan to Islamabad in Pakistan. The plane, which took off from Islamabad on Tuesday night, landed in Copenhagen on Wednesday morning.

Background: So, Afghanistan collapsed

On Friday, Norway vacated its embassy in KabulThere were armed soldiers. The embassy is closed and no longer staffed.

On Sunday, the armed forces chose to reduce the number of Norwegians running a field hospital in the military area of ​​the airport in the Afghan capital.

Viji updates the case.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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