GP Crisis, Ingwilt Kerkol | Kjerkol responds to criticism: – It takes time to turn the tide

GP Crisis, Ingwilt Kerkol |  Kjerkol responds to criticism: – It takes time to turn the tide

There has been a storm surrounding Norway's use of substitutes in the GP service. Although municipalities are required by law to provide necessary general practitioner services to citizens, they struggle to recruit doctors.

Municipalities have to spend huge sums of money on temp agencies to raise Dr. Alarm bells are ringing in many places in the Norwegian district.

Among them is Krong Municipality Mayor Ann Jeanette Klingenberg (AP).

– It's very challenging because we depend on them more and more and spend a lot of resources on them, says Klingenberg.

Health Minister Ingvild Kerkol is now responding to the doctor problems experienced by many municipalities in Norway.

It takes time to change a doctor's course

The health minister has indicated that the government has spent one billion kroner to strengthen the GP system in Norway. Measures include more study places, increased funding and a greater focus on recruitment.

– Temporary employment is expensive for municipalities and takes resources away from other services. There is a need to strengthen and stabilize the GB program in order to reduce costs for disabled people, and we are doing this job well, Kerkol explains to Netavisen.

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In 2023, 61,681 people will have a permanent doctor in Norway, according to figures from the Directorate of Health seen by Netavisen. Directorate There are 214,095 Norwegians without a regular doctor.

– Unfortunately, it will take time to turn the tide as problems have been allowed to develop for years, but the new figures give reason for hope, the health minister insists.

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Netavisen has discussed the use of alternative medicine in Norway in several articles. Both Krong and Overhalla municipalities report difficulties in recruiting GPs in the municipalities.

Experts have warned against the extensive use of alternative medicine and believe it could compromise the patient safety of users.

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– Couldn't work

Kerkol is clear that continuity in medical care is critical to quality.

– At the same time, in the GP program, there will always be a need for alternatives. Doctors also get sick, have children and take leave. Fortunately, our residents have access to many skilled transplant doctors across the country who offer good services. “Unfortunately, we face permanent recruitment challenges of creating replacement relays,” says the Ap politician.

Last year, an expert panel issued a report General Practitioner Service. A validation study of the proposals contained in the report is currently underway. In addition, the General Practitioner Service will be central to the upcoming National Health and Collaboration Program later this year, Kerkol explains.

– The positive numbers we see do not mean the work is done. There is still a shortage of GPs, which necessitates the use of alternative medicine, as municipalities are responsible for providing the necessary GP services. Our work to strengthen the GP program continues.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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