Group with Simbach beim Papst

Group with Simbach beim Papst

With Italian music, 48 travelers from the Pfarrverband Simbach were escorted into the Eternal City and prepared for six wonderful and eventful days, ending in radiant sunshine and summer temperatures.

Stadtpfarrer Joachim Steinfeld once again organized a pilgrimage that touched the spirit, soul and hearts of the participants – but also the feet: We are going to move, die so geschichtsträchtig waren, wie s kaum eineothere Stadt der Welt mit sich Bringt – from ancient Rome zu den christlichen Ursprüngen, durch das Mittelalter bis in die Neuzeit.

Even after arriving, a group formed to experience Petersplatz and the cathedral at night, before one could see the dome and Vatican City from above the next day. The massive dimensions and statues of the papal chapel were built from within an artistic building such as the statue of hl. Petrus or der Pieta von Michelangelo was incorporated into the group.

The tour of the catacombs of San Callisto was followed by a very moving service, musically framed by the spontaneously formed “Coro Roma” under the direction of Petra Inghofer. The trip to der Abendämmerung in Albaner Berge and Castell Gandolfo in Weinort Frascati ended in einem Gemütlichen and Die Gemeinschaft Stärkenden Beisammensein.

The walk from the Marcellustheater leads to the Porticus Ottavia through the now heavily guarded Jewish quarter to the Campo dei Fiori, a hotspot for Romans and tourists itself, with its numerous markets and numerous cafés. There is nothing religious in Staten, set in ancient Rome with the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Circus Maximus, the Palatine, and the Capitol First, and this is what Dean Steinfeld excels at, with its uninterrupted action, and its beauty through a wonderful journey through the Jahrtausende mitzunehme.

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In Engelsburg, there are large and bright cathedrals of Sankt Paul vor den Morn, Santa Maria Maggiore, and San Giovanni in Laterano. In the evening, there was the Trevi Fountain, the Spanish Steps, Piazza della Rotonda with the Pantheon, Piazza Navona, and Zilli – an ice cream shop in the best ice cream shop in the world. Die Kleinen Gassen mit ihren zahllosen Trattorias luden zum Verweilen ein, zumal die temperature until it still reaches 25 degrees Celsius.

The highlight of the trip was the ceremonial papal service in St. Peter’s Basilica marking the conclusion of the World Synod. Brigadier General Steinfeld surprised the traveling group with an Eintrittskarten, organized in Vorfeld. The group was from its places aus Pope Franziskus in view and could follow closely Einzug der Cardinals und Bischöfe aus der gansen Welt, darunter auch Bischof Stefan Oster.

At the end of the pilgrimage, a visit is made to the Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel, where the conclave took place and where some of the world’s most famous frescoes are located, such as Michelangelo’s Jüngste Gericht.

Italian music and “The Arrival of Rome” attract the Reisegroupe from the wonderful city in more China. Everyone was very sad when time passed so quickly, but they were also full of impressions: the mood of the participants had pushed Mayor Klaus Schmid to this point, as if they were leaders of the city for their great commitment, organization, leadership, but also for their efforts. sein Wirken um die Gemeinschaft was thanked.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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