Henrik Theudisen, Thomas Jollestad | Henrik Thaudesen reveals an odd story: He could have been Klovner’s DJ in the battle

Henrik Theudisen, Thomas Jollestad |  Henrik Thaudesen reveals an odd story: He could have been Klovner’s DJ in the battle

It is not known that there have been changes in the rock band or other musical groups during her career. There is also no doubt that in the past it was difficult to find replacements for its members.

As a rule, the unknown shooting star was discovered by the band members themselves, whether it was after the show or because they let themselves be moved by the warm words of acquaintances.

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One of those who have gone through such a process is the Norwegian hip-hop group Klovner i kamp. Today they are one of the most popular rap groups in the country consisting of Esben Selvig (45 years old), Aslke Hartberg (48 years old) and Thomas Julestad (42 years old).

But what most people don’t know is that the latter was never meant to be part of “Klovner i kamp”. But when a rap group was looking for a new DJ in 2000, they simply contacted the wrong person.

Unknown past

Klovner i kamp was first formed in 1994 as a duo consisting of Aslak “Allis” Hartberg and Sveinung “Dr. “S” Mamlok (49). After a short period, the band got a new member, Espen Selvig, also known as “The Dane”. .

After several years as a setup for three men, the “D.S” band to study medicine and become a real doctor. And so in the battle Klovener needed a new DJ, and Tomas Jollestad, aka “Vengern” took the place.

However, it was never the plan for Gullestad to become their new DJ. That’s what comedians Odd Magnus Williamson, 42, and Henrik Thodesen, 42, said when they hosted the podcast for 730.no earlier this year.

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– I’ve heard the story that Henrik was supposed to be Klovner’s “finger” in battle, Williamson begins the story.

– “Fingern” We started DJing together in high school, and bought ourselves turntables. And also “Dr.” He became a real doctor so he quit, and Kloven at Camp had to have a new DJ, Thodisen continued.

Called the wrong person

According to Thodisen, the rap group had already visited his home in Holtveen in Bikilajit on a previous occasion.

Klovner i kamp thus contacted another rapper who had a wide network and a good overview of the hip-hop environment in Oslo at the time.

– So “Dansken” called him and asked for the number of the DJ who lives in Holtveien. “I lived in No. 20 and Wenger lived in No. 31,” Thudisson explained.

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The “Danes” were then supposed to have a DJ number in Holtveien, but not a proper DJ in Holtveien. Because, as mentioned earlier, it was Gollestad who took the call and he is the third member of the group to this day.

– It’s a bit funny to think about it now, what would have actually happened if we had grabbed Henrik Thaudesen at that time. Did he then end up in Klovner in the fight and now be with Jenny Skavlan? And Vänern ended up as the bit of a womanizing guy from “Thursday Evening from Nydalen,” Danes said in an interview with MASSIV magazine at the time, according to Danes. TV 2.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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