Here is the fox on his head:

Here is the fox on his head:

Tom Schandy is spending his summer vacation in the cabin, but has still been up before 3:30 for the past few days to drive to a field in Lier municipality.

For four days, he followed a fox looking for its food in the morning. Then he caught the so-called “mouse jump” on the camera.

The fox listens to the mouse, then jumps straight up in the air and then goes straight down again. Standing vertically in the air to take them. Surprise attack, Schandy tells TV 2.

– Then he adds that it’s important to be prepared for the trigger.

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– “happy”

Photographer Schandy followed the fox for four days before capturing a stunning photo of the animal standing on its head.

He explains that a fox’s front paws reach the snout when it jumps into a hole to grab prey with its teeth. This time there were mice on the menu.

– I followed him closely and clicked and took many pictures. The photographer says it’s always exciting to be hit or not.

Schandy has tried similar photos before, but then the photo was taken from a distance or the focus was wrong.

This time the focus was just right:

– Then I was very “happy”, because it is a picture that I do not have, says the photographer, who thinks the picture is comical and funny.

You must work for motives

Schandy, from Westvossen, sometimes sits in his car when photographing animals.

– It’s a good disguise. When the car is parked, they are not afraid and do not consider it an immediate danger, says the photographer.

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By hiding in the car, he can also get close to animals, but this requires planning to get the flash shot you want.

The photographer explains that foxes are “addicted” and often come at the same time for several days if they spot something.

– So it is important for us as photographers to be in the right place at the right time, he says and adds:

– You have to work to get motivated, and here comes the fox and stands on its head for you.

Schandy works with animals and nature all over the world, and he says you usually get pictures of animals doing nothing.

– Therefore, it is interesting that something more is happening in the picture, some action. He asserts that this is why you become so “happy.”

While the fox was getting some peanuts for breakfast, Schandy went back to his wife’s cabin in the cabin and had a regular home-cooked breakfast with eggs and jam.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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