Huitfeldt asks for judgment to be overturned – NRK Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Huitfeldt asks for judgment to be overturned – NRK Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

He’s just a writer.

But in a country where the regime wants to control what people think, writers are the criminals of capital.

Iranian authorities believe he was involved in “propaganda against the regime” and activities “against national security”.

– This judgment came only because of my writing activity, chirp Himself.

Tavakoli is one of the most famous dissidents in Iran, who has served seven years in prison.

People are demonstrating in Iran.

Some protesters showed resistance by cutting their hair, which is very symbolic in Iran.

Photo: AP

He was known as one of the student leaders during the protests that followed the presidential elections in 2009, and he was arrested again shortly after the protests against the regime began last September.

Tavakoli won the Student Peace Prize in 2012 and Jonas Jar Stöhr called him “Youth and Courage”.

– I share Støre’s descriptions where he refers to Tavakoli as a fearless person who has shown to be daring and stand up for his views, says Foreign Minister Huitfeldt.

I strongly demand that Iran recognize Majid Tavakoli’s right to speak and abolish his prison sentence.

They were imprisoned for chanting

The latest wave of demonstrations in Iran began with the death of Gina “Mahsa” Amini after she was arrested by the morality police. They thought she was wearing the hijab wrong.

Several thousand Iranians have been arrested during the protests, and hundreds have been killed. Among them are also police officers.

At the same time, resistance has many faces. One of them is activist Sepideh Gholian, 28, who works for workers’ rights in Iran.

She was due to defend herself this week in a court hearing broadcast on state television. By showing trial, the regime was able to prove that resistance activity met with punishment.

But the meeting and the TV broadcast were canceled after Gulian to reject To cover hair in the courtroom.

Sepideh Gholian chanting slogans against the Iranian dictator after 4 years and 7 months in prison. Tehran, Iran.

It is the second time in a short time that she has challenged the authority in Iran.

The first time was in March, when Qoliyan, after four years and seven months in prison, chanted slogans against Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. This happened while she was about to be released.

“This time I go out with hope for Iran’s freedom!” chirp Before being kidnapped and imprisoned again for the Logos.

Qoliyan also wrote in a tweet that she hoped for the release of political prisoners, and mentioned several names, including Baharah Hedayat (42).

From reform to revolution

Hedayat, like Tavakoli, was a well-known student leader. She is a recipient of the Swedish Edelstam Prize and has been a supporter of the Iranian reform movement.

But like most Iranians, she no longer believes in reforms under the current regime. She believes that revolution is necessary and inevitable.

Bharat Hedayat

Human rights activist Bahareh Hedayat believes that revolution is costly, dangerous, but inevitable.

Photo: private

After the execution of the first protester, Mohsen Shekari, last December, Ms letter From prison about the situation in Iran and the changes in the Iranian public will.

Getting rid of this criminal system will certainly be costly and dangerous, but we have no choice but to pay the costs and face the risks.

– This power structure is unable to absorb new social forces.

Half a year after Hedayat’s letter, Iranians are still putting up resistance, despite the costs and risks.

Actors Azadeh Samadi and Afsaneh Baigan were recently sentenced to psychiatric treatment for wearing the hijab.

Another woman was caught driving without a headscarf convicted To clean the corpses for a month.

Expect more brutality

Repression increases when the media looks away. We see it now with the verdicts against Tavakoli and Paigan, and with the morality police once again on the streets.

Demonstration of support for the Iranian people

Parliament Speaker Massoud Qarakhani believes that brutality in Iran has increased and asks the media to consider covering Iran.

Photo: Javad Parsa/NTB

This is what the Iranian-born Speaker of Parliament, Massoud Qarahkhani, told us.

In September, it will be one year since the death of Mahsa Amini and the start of the last wave of demonstrations. Resistance activity is expected to increase in the near future.

An overview from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies Offers That from 13 to 20 July there were 73 demonstrations in Iran. This is a 30 percent increase from the previous week.

– Since an increase in activity and brutality is to be expected, I encourage Norwegian newsrooms to consider covering Iran, says Grakhkhani.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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