Ingrid Nergaard Fjeldstad will be the new urban development group – NRK Westland

Ingrid Nergaard Fjeldstad will be the new urban development group – NRK Westland

– Today it is little more than a new city council, Wallhammer said, and welcomed the new city council to Bergen Town Hall.

In addition to providing a new city council, Wallhammer has chosen to make several minor changes in the area of ​​responsibility of various city council departments.

– The direction is the same, but today I make moves related to composition, which equips us even better, says Wallhammer.

See further below for a list of the entire new city council in Bergen on this subject.

The Liberal Party gains two city councils

The Liberal Party is getting an additional city councilor with Ingrid Nergaard Feldstad, who will be the city councilor for urban development in Bergen. In the past, Bergen has had its own city council for both climate, environment and urban development.

– This is something that myself and the Liberal Party have wanted for a long time. Urban development is very important to the Liberal Party and to Bergen, and we greatly appreciate being allowed to participate in governance here, says former Feldstad. Head of Negotiations for the Liberal Party.

New city councilor Ingrid Nergaard Fjeldstad has been a lawyer. One of the reasons why the KrF left the city council was the coastal zone issues.

– Coastal zone issues are a difficult dilemma and I would like to know about it before issuing my report, he tells NRK.

Ingrid Nergaard Fjeldstad

New city council: Ingrid Nergaard Feldstad (v) becomes city councilor for urban development in Bergen.

Photo: Left

– Not applicable to four-party assembly

MDG invited SV in, but City Councilor Wallhammer didn’t want it. Instead he strengthened the left wing.

– When a party goes out, the three of them have to revisit and figure out what it means to us. “I don’t think it’s appropriate to set up a new four-party city council for minorities at this time,” Valhamer said.

The city council president adds that this is something he and Venstre have wanted for a long time.

The new city council in Bergen now consists of:

  • City Council on Health and Care: Ruth Krung (AP)
  • City Council for Climate, Environment and Transport: Thor Hakon Pakke (MDG)
  • City Council for Finance, Industry and Ownership: Per-Arne Hvidsten Larsen (V)
  • City Council for Culture, Community and Inclusion: Catherine Nottvedt (MDG)
  • City Council for Urban Development: Ingrid Nergaard Fjeldstad (V)
  • City Council for Kindergarten, School and Sports: Lynn Kathryn Bilskog (AP)

Thor Hakon Bakke (MDG).

More power: Thor Haakon Bakke (MDG) shifts responsibility for urban development to responsibility for transport. With that, he becomes a city councilor for climate, environment and transport.

Photo: Christine Fagerbakke / NRK

The Green Party is also gaining ground in Bergen.

– For the first time the Green Party will be given responsibility for very large and important sectors. Absolutely central offers and services to the population. From services related to addiction, health centers and school health services, said Climate Councilor Thor Håkon Bakke (MDG).

Bakke has now replaced responsibility for urban development with responsibility for transport in Bergen Municipality.

Exit KrF

On Monday, the KrF left the city council in Bergen. During the press conference, the party said they believe taxpayers’ money is being mis-prioritized.

In addition, the city council often had to cooperate with Rødt and SV to gain a majority in the city council.

The KrF’s ouster further weakened the already weak minority city council.

The city council in Bergen now consists of the Labor Party, the Green Party and the Liberal Party.

– We already talked about making changes in 2019, but it was not done because of the pandemic. This is an opportunity to make these changes, said City Council President Roger Walhammer when introducing the new city council.

Bad turnout

The KrF has been struggling nationally, and until this week Bergen was the only major city where the party was in power.

After the KrF left, City Council President Roger Wallhammer sent out a separate press release. There he wrote that he knew that since February the KrF had held internal discussions about how they were going to manage their own support.

Wrong opinion polls were also a reason for the party’s departure. Wallhammer has demonstrated an understanding of this.

Beat the husa

Former Health Council: Pete Husa (KrF) became a familiar face during the pandemic.

Photo: Valentina Bisotti / NRK

Former health councilor Pete Husa was KrF’s sole councillor. For many, she became a familiar face during the pandemic.

After her resignation on Monday, Community Councilor Ruth Krung (AP) was given interim responsibility for the city council department.

Krung is now the new city councilor for health and care.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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