Jeunesse Joseph is not much different from Hal’s character:

Jeunesse Joseph is not much different from Hal’s character:

Friends, comedian Jones Joseph and actor Isaac Nour are both closely related to the second TV series “Casco”.

The series will premiere on February 26, and they’re both very excited:

It’s as if you’ve done very well in Norwegian, and then it’s in your teacher’s drawer and you’ve been waiting for class all week, says Joseph and continues:

– It’s a feeling I have now.

Watch the full interview with Jonis Josef and Isak Noor at the top of the issue.

The phone call that created the idea

The committee deals with the story of the Norwegian-Somali “Jamal” who lives his best life without worry. Then he personally goes bankrupt and has to get a job. Then he got a job as an insurance investigator.

Joseph wrote the script with Mikael Samuelsen and Jenny Fong, but it was a very special story that really speeded up the idea.

A friend of Joseph and Nour called to tell that he had tried to call his insurance company to report his stolen phone.

When he was going to do that, he called his own phone.

– When they said: What phone are you calling now? He panicked and hung up. When we heard it, we thought it was too much fun, and then a few days passed before Jeunesse woke me up saying, “I’ve got an insanely good idea!” Noor says.

By that time, the start of the CASCO commission had already begun.

I didn’t have enough money

Joseph himself has had financial problems as the main character he plays in the series.

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– I’ve had a lot of financial problems, Joseph tells Good Evening Norway and continues.

I didn’t have enough money to get my life going, and I didn’t prioritize bills.

The comedian also says that there were interests and debt collection and he was, among other things, evicted from the apartment he rented.

After so many years of stress, I said, “Now I have to do something about it.” I finally got out of it, and it was a very exciting era in my life, says Joseph.

It was a special similarity between Joseph and his character “Kasko” that became interesting.

– Fun fact is that when we completed the series in August, I received a tax bill in September that was as high as my grade.

The bill was 650,000 NOK.

“It’s an art by chance,” laughs Joseph.

Nominated for the award

Although the series has not made it to the TV screen yet, it has already managed to survive Nominated for the European Series Mania Award.

“Kasko” is the only Norwegian TV series to be nominated, and Josef and Noor are proud of them.

– It’s very fun and adorable. They call the award the “TV Academy Award,” Joseph smiles.

The comedian spent all of 2021 recording and producing TV Series 2, and he’s very proud of the result.

– I think people were pleasantly surprised, he says.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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