It’s been nearly two weeks since Buckingham Palace confirmed it Queen Elizabeth passed away at the age of 96.
The second grew, her eldest son became king. So the British now have to deal with King Charles – third in line.

The king rebukes: “Baby”
In the time following his death, strange rumors abounded about the Silvery King. However, these rumors have now been vigorously denied by his former personal butler.
Shoelaces iron
It’s the opposite Entertainment tonight That Grant Harold, who had previously worked for the King – and then Prince – as butler, speaks of the “strange” rumors that surfaced after the Queen’s death.
One rumor that has surfaced is that the new king is asking to hold his own toilet seat.

– Removes brother and son
– Someone said to me: “Oh, did you have to carry the potion?” I simply replied, “Which toilet seat? I’ve never heard of this before.”
The other rumor is about Charles’ own shoelaces – which he supposedly wanted to iron before wearing them.
– Why do you even have to iron shoelaces? It does not make sense. It’s a complete fabrication and I don’t know where this rumor came from. I don’t know why anyone would say that, and I don’t know what they’re trying to achieve, because it’s just stupid. It’s stupid, he says, for people to want to focus on things like that.

The coffin is covered with lead
In her mother’s footsteps
Harold further believes that one should focus instead on what kind of person the new king is, and what kind of king he wants.
Obviously to believe that Charles She will follow in her mother’s footstepsEspecially the way Harold described it.
– He’s a wonderful guy. He is like his mother. He’s funny, smart, and sticks to tradition. Personally, I think he would make a good king, because I’ve seen what he is like as a person.
Furthermore, the former butler describes both Charles and Queen Camilla as good people.
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