Lauritzen, Karina D | Compagnie Visited a psychologist after “Compani Lauritzen”: – He went on a roll

Lauritzen, Karina D | Compagnie  Visited a psychologist after “Compani Lauritzen”: – He went on a roll

The final stage of “Kompani Lauritzen” is fast approaching and, after several difficult weeks, a winner will soon be chosen on the popular programme. But before that time, there was one last exercise that the participants had to do before they were each given an orange hat.

The aspirants were left to fend for themselves in the wilderness where they had to survive for two days. They had to provide themselves with food and shelter, and could, if necessary, use aid to survive.

Also read: “Kompani Lauritzen” experience captured: – I felt a lot of discomfort

However, the exercise proved challenging for Karina Dahl (37), which eventually cost her a place in the company of Colonel Dag Otto Lauritzen (66).

Misunderstood the task

The participants spent two rainy days in nature, and Dahl especially struggled to make a fire. Therefore, she had to provide herself with aids, but that also gave her minus points.

This led to her bottoming out and thus not becoming a full member of Lauritzen’s company. But Dahl didn’t take the loss too seriously, instead feeling like it was a kind of second place:

– I was really tired at the time, so it was actually pretty good. I feel like I got exactly where I was supposed to go and that I finished second,” Dahl tells Nettavisen.

Even though the 37-year-old quit before the grand final, she’s not bitter about it. But, on the other hand, she is bitter because she misjudged the last and decisive exercise.

– It was sad that I misunderstood the assignment. I thought you had to have a fire in order to meet all the criteria. I can really blame myself for that, I’ve never seen so much “Kompani Lauritzen,” says Dahl.

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According to Dahl, this happened several times during the TV taping, as she makes no secret that she often made things more complicated for herself than she needed to be.

– She misunderstood many tasks and made things more complicated for me, and that was a constant thing at “Kompani Lauritzen,” says Dahl.

Lots of water over the head

When Dahl returned to everyday life after the TV taping, she quickly settled into her usual routine, and according to her, the return home was not uneventful. This sent the 37-year-old into a rampage.

– I went straight back to the studio and recorded an EP. But then I felt like I had taken too much water on my head too quickly, she said at the premiere party for Kompani Lauritzen.

Dahl is well accustomed to the busy lifestyle, and after the hectic and demanding experience at Setnesmoen camp, she is back to just that. But it didn’t take long before it stopped.

– So I went for a quick spin right after Kompani Lauritzen. After all, I’m a person who drives and drives well, but it doesn’t always happen.

Before the TV recording began last August, Dal had just finished a big tour with more than 30 concerts, and she was still feeling the effects of Corona.

I went to a psychologist

There is no doubt that the participants experienced flashes of emotion during their military careers, which many felt after the TV recording as well.

New for this year’s season is that the participants were closely monitored by military psychologist John Gerhard Reichelt. But the participants also got the chance to continue after recording, which Dahl took advantage of.

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– You have to process what happened next. Something that happens every day and challenging yourself in inhuman ways, Dahl told Nettavisen regarding the show’s premiere party, was very difficult.

It was Dahl’s hectic daily life and schedule that made it difficult for her to process the entire “Kompani Lauritzen” experience. Eventually Dahl realized she needed help to process the experience afterward, which she benefited greatly from.

– She was very beautiful. And not only because of “Kompani Lauritzen”, but also when it comes to how we handle things. Especially when it happens so quickly, you never have to process the experience, so it takes time.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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