Local School Policy, Youth | The app has ruined the lives of thousands of youngsters

Local School Policy, Youth |  The app has ruined the lives of thousands of youngsters

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This year will be the third year Wicken has had a neighborhood school policy. That means 50,000 new young people in Wigan have not chosen their own school.

50,000 new young people have missed out on one of their first major exams.

It also means that 50,000 new young people have lost their freedom and reduced opportunities. Let’s go back to the National Free School Exam.

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An environment I don’t want to be in

I am one of these young people and know exactly how it feels. Because last fall, when my friends and I had a long conversation about where to go to school, we were told we only had one choice. School is a few hundred meters away.

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I feel small and thrown around. Because Labor has made a choice to let me create myself. They took away from me a school I wanted to attend for the next few years.

They’ve given me less opportunities and less freedom, and they’ve given me three years in an environment I don’t want to be in.

There are many reasons why students choose their own school. Some people want to get away from their environment and want to get out. Some will meet new people and make new friends. And some have to start over.

But no one gets it anymore. Because a few district politicians have decided that my chances are just numbers in a system.

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They have made life miserable

To me, it is absolutely incomprehensible that our address should have the last vote during the most important years of our lives. Because that’s what we ask.

The most important years of our lives can repeat the ten worst years of our lives under worst-case scenario because of the neighborhood school policy.

When Labor decided to scrap the national free school choice scheme, they took away the opportunities, freedom and dreams of thousands of young people. They stopped the possibility of creating diverse schools, and they made the lives of thousands of young people miserable.

I think Labor has forgotten that schools are supposed to be for students. If that was the case, I wouldn’t have to go to a school I didn’t want.

In the autumn, there will be 150,000 young people in Wigan who will not be able to make one of their first big choices themselves. I hope that the future of those who apply to secondary school will not be taken away like mine.

It’s time for Labor to put students first, not the organisation.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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