Next Windows 11 “Completed”

Next Windows 11 “Completed”

Microsoft confirmed this week That Windows 11 22H2 with building number 22621 is RTRelease (Release to Manufacturing), i.e. a ready-made release intended for wholesale distribution to computer hardware suppliers and physical installation media manufacturers, among others.

This does not mean that the 22H2 version of Windows 11 is at hand. It is not likely that this version will be released and made available to the public before September at the earliest.

Drivers will now be updated

Part of the reason for this is to give hardware vendors time to make sure that the hardware drivers they provide for their products are compatible with New WHCP Requirements (Windows Hardware Compatibility Program) in Windows 11 22H2.

According to Bleeping Computerwhich mentioned Microsoft’s announcement, it is by no means certain that the version with building number 22621 will be GA . version (General Availability) or which will be distributed via Windows Update to update existing Windows 10 or 11 installations.

Even if the RTM version is fully functional, it will be tested in new ways in the coming months, and then new bugs will likely be discovered. So it’s not likely that the RTM will be updated with the new releases until the ecosystem is fully ready for release.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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