Notodden – NRK Vestfold and Telemark – 10 injured in frontal clash on local news, television and radio

Notodden – NRK Vestfold and Telemark – 10 injured in frontal clash on local news, television and radio

The two cars collided head-on in the 80-zone on Busnesgrenda on Fv37 Tinnsjøvegen in Notodden at 20.45pm on Friday night.

Police suspect that this may have been the cause of the accident as there was snow and slippery area.

There were two families in the cars, seven in one car and three in the other.

– There was a family in every car. John Christian Johnsrut, operations manager for the Southeast Police District, told NTB just before midnight on Friday that the seven-person car was a three-row car.

Sent to hospital

All 10 people in the car have been rushed to hospital.

Two were taken to Ullevel Hospital with serious injuries and three others were taken to a hospital in Skin, two of whom sustained serious injuries, police operations manager Anne Meyer told NRK.

Five people were taken to Drammen Hospital, but they were not seriously injured.

Large material damage

Firefighters dispatched people from both Tin and Notodon. An ambulance first arrived at the scene and reported personal injuries and major property damage to cars. The police also came.

– The duty manager informed Sør-Øst 110, Glenn Espen Kustner that someone was trapped at the beginning of the incident.

At 23 p.m., Tinsjowagen closed after the crash and reopened. Numerous rows piled up within it.

The cause of the accident is currently unknown and police are investigating the case. But the weather and driving have been cited as a possible reason.

The crash was initially reported in Rjukan, but according to Sør-Øst 110 the crash site is in the municipality of Notodden.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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