Russia can send goods from Norway to Barendsburg

Russia can send goods from Norway to Barendsburg

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms that Russian goods stopped at the Norwegian border are now transported by Norwegian transporters to Barendsburg in Svalbard.

Barendsburg is a mining town in Svalbard. Photo: Berit Roald / NTP

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– Two containers with goods for Barandsburg are now on their way to Longyearbyen on a Norwegian ship, Foreign Ministry spokesman Ane Lunde said. NRK Wednesday afternoon.

At the end of May, 20 tons of Russian goods were stopped at Storskog, the border between Norway and Russia.

The Foreign Ministry tells NRK on Wednesday that the containers containing the goods have been transported from Storskog to Tromsø by Norwegian truck and will be transported by cargo ferry to Tromsø and Svalbard. The boat is now on its way to Svalbard.

Norway did not give in to Russian demands

In a statement to NTB, Lunde insists that Norway has not given in to Russia’s demands, but that Russia has chosen one of the solutions proposed by Norway.

– The reason for the traffic stop was the use of a Russian-registered vehicle. In response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, Norway has introduced several economic sanctions. Transport of the containers is now carried out by a Norwegian carrier, says Lunde.

He reiterates that the Norwegian authorities have always made it clear that it was not their intention to stop supplies to Barandsburg or to cause unnecessary obstacles to the city’s normal operations.

Norwegian officials said no

On June 15, Norwegian authorities said they would not send goods through Norway based on sanctions against Russia. Russia accused Norway of violating the Svalbard Agreement, which Foreign Minister Annika Hudfeldt (Labour Party) rejected.

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– Norway has not violated the Svalbard Treaty. He previously told NTB in a statement that the vessel was docked at the Norwegian-Russian border based on restrictions that prohibit Russian road transport companies from transporting goods on Norwegian territory.

Russia was referring precisely to the plight of miners in Svalbard when it threatened to pull out of a fault line agreement with Norway on Tuesday. Deputy member of the National Assembly Mikhail Matveev noted in the Duma that the deal was not favorable to Russia.

– We allocated 175,000 square kilometers of the Barents Sea to Norway. In Svalbard, today we see how Norway prevents food supplies from reaching our settlements, he said, according to RIA.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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